Page 108 - YB1953
P. 108
METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT The fall of 1952 brought to the M.S.M. an active group of freshmen and with their ~ll~~~~~:):~~l '~hell1l~~~' ~f~:.h~di~:·gS~ll:~:tl:~~l II'I~~~ inaugur.ated at a party given by the local Methodist Church. The school year began with the Homecoming display and other monthly meetings have includ- ed group discussions and talks, A seminary student gave an inspiring talk ncar the beginning of the year. The annual banquet was held in February. Worship services were held jointly with the Sunday School. With the aid of Reverend and Mrs. Hodgson. the M.S,M. has achieved a closer relation with the local church. Dr. Holthaus, Professor of Fir$1 row: ~1. Munson. R. Lee, IL Cahh"llkr. Il. \Varna. Philosophy, has acted (IS tile ~(Ivisor to the ~a[~o~ll~tH~~~~."~.S~h~be~r}t~~)l~~~;13\1'.~i~~~L~. Methodist Student Movement throughout the Phillips, L Spocrlein, M. JUllIwy. FOllrth row: W e; 1he~e~~C\VSal?nfel~~1~)~~~~d~:1~~tip:~u\hZ!lr~~I: Crawford. H. Johnson. N. i\'1cWilliulils. K. Nowack. Fifth row; F. Parkin. W. Harvry. L Werner, I). Buleom, Vice-Presidentj Ruth Ann Lee, Secretary; and 1. Pope. Sixlh row: D. Sian 1011, R. Sl~e:man, B. Price. Ruth Cahlander, Treasurer. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION To launch their activities for the year, the of representation (II the Regional L.S.A. Confer LS.A. held its first meeting, in the form of u ence at Gettysburg, participation at Sunday at Harvey Stone Park-complete with hot Fireside, and the picnic at the Logan Conage at cakes, und ukes. Many of their folloll'ing Pine Crave Furnace in the spring. meetings were held in McDaniel Lounge, except The Lutheran Student Association II'IIS for the "great times" they had at the Lutheran advised both ill religious and recreational parsonage in town. ties by Reverend Elwood Falkenstein of the As in previous years, there was the annual Cruce Lutheran Church, who is known affection- spaghetti supper held (It the church. "Falkie's" ately as 'Talkie" by the group. Student officers famous sauce added much to the success of the were: Beth Witzke, President ; Ellen Rudolph. e\'enillg. Vice-President; and Mary Stuart, Secretary- Some of the activities for the year consisted Treasurer. FirS! row; B. Wil~ke, M. Stewart, B. Second rmo: E. McWilliams, 1\'1. Purtltlnl, D. Hueh. M. Justice, 1\1. Moyer. Third n)w; C. Blohm, S. Simp sou. L Old,·,,, C. Mungcls.
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