Page 111 - YB1953
P. 111
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION The Student GovernmCllt Associatioll launched Room were decorated. 1n December students into !I nell' year with renewed enthusiasm under began to attend some of the S.C.A. meetings. the capable hand of president, James Moore. This proved that the campus population was Jane Mcl.eod assumed the responsibility of the interested in the work of the S.C.A. vice-presidency, Patricia Herman as secretary. When basketball season came, the S.C.A. and Charles Wheatley as treasurer initiated pep rallies for the games. Also in the The primary task facing the council W(lS line of sports, they passed the ruling that a Orientation Week, which not only entailed help- different fraternity each year would be in charge ing freshmen over their first hurdle, but also of greeting visiting teams und making them meant the distrlbution of the \V.M.e desk welcome. bloLLers and handbooks. During the second semester, Dean David After this the football season started arid the hegan meeting with the Men's Council and help. S.C.A. staged some very entertaining pep ealles, lng to solve some of the problems which ar-ise Homecoming carne with the usual amount of in the dormitories. excitement. The displays were colorful and Before anyone could get th~ir second wind. unique, and the team made the S.C.A. members May Day carne and again the Student GovernĀ· proud to be a part of Wcstern Maryland. Under ment swung into action. the directorship of Beverly Rye, banners to Looking hack, the S.G.A. feels thai it has been advertise Homecoll1ing were placed downtown a busy and productive year. They have attempted for the first time. These proved to be success- to stress the student in the governlllent and hope ful and received many favorable comments. Chr-istmas arrived and the tree and the Rec that ther have been successful. 111
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