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THE CARROLL ClUB This year marked the third successful year for the Canol! Club at W.M,e. Patterned 011 the plan of the Catholic Newman Clubs which func- tion on Illllny college campuses, the Carroll Club seeks to meet the spiritual needs of Catholic students HI WestefllMaryJalld College, and to establish a worthwhile fellowship among its members. Its program includes activities of a religious, educational, and social nature. The club's monthly meetings consist of inform- al discussions which arc usually prompted by students' questions. These discussions serve as a means 10 exchange ideas and to receive inter- esting instruction Oil matters pertaining to the Clliholic faith. The Carroll Club has sponsored projects such as the showing of informative movie films to which the regular members and officers of other These projects were offered in cooperation with campus religious organizations were invited. the Student Christilln Association CANTERBURY CLUB This year, the Canterbury (lui) celebrated its a Homecoming display. As in previous years the fifth on the Hill. Communion on special dub sponsored all Intercollegiate Conference days the Chapel and Communion Breakfasts 011 here on campus, and representatives were sent several Sundays brought the members together to the Tri-Diooesau Conference in Washington. in worship. Outside speakers from Baltimore The Reverend Austin Schildwacter and Mr. lind Washington provided the group with inter- deLong helped the group plan their !nall), esting talks and discussions. The annual activities. The officers for the year were: Bob spaghetti dinner was one of the activities which Leather, Presitlent ; Mary Ellen Earl, Vice-Presi- the club sponsored, and they also joined the dent; Barburn Davison. Secretary: and Laura Methodist and Lutheran students in preparing Leigh Kline, Treasurer. Yeoman, l\t R Davison. Hughes. A
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