Page 101 - YB1953
P. 101
Fir,I'/ rosa: R. Lee, E:. \Valtn. K. Galt'S, E. Zies. Second row: S. Jarvis, L. Kuhn. T Douglas, E. Hughes. B. Parsons . .J. Dlx. J Hutchinson. Steps : K. Nowack. C. lIau~r. P Dawson. C. Whcalil;y. Third /'IJlII: M. Martin. J. w.m., ill. Krampr. A 1I. Winlers, .I. Collins. 1\lr. lhiley. Miss COLLEGE PLAYERS "Curtain going up!" The audience relaxes; warm as it was on the Hill. The Baltimore we tense for a moment, and then all is forgollen Aluillni Association of Western MarylarHI Col- except the importance of doing our job. Our lege sponsored the production and the proceeds "job" is playing a pari convincingly and to the will go into a scholarship fund. best of our ability-it is walking, not loping, The Christmas pageant, given by the eopho. across the stage; it is forgelling ourselves and more and junior dramatic art students was II submerging into a role; it is, itt short, one of series of stained glass windows, which embodied the most enriching experiences of our college life. the true spirit of the season. Althol!l!;h the Junior Our work, however, extends far beyond three Plays hnve yet to be chosen, we do know that major productions a yeru-. It is a contiuuous they will present three one-act plays in March. proeees from our first day in dramatic art class III May, we will close the year with a play until the curtain falls on the commencement presented during the commencement week-end. play. Nor docs it stop here, for each of us feels that our participation in the College Players AllY success that we have achieved is due to has given us a foundation orr which to build the constant arid unwal'ering guidnnce of Miss during the years ahead. Esther Smith, and to Mr. Bailey's inspired stap;e In November we presented the Fay Kanin selling-so .Miss Smith is the guiding light behind "Goodbye, My Fancy". For the first the organization and to each of us as individuals. lime our history, we "hit the road" with Without her faith in us as people and actors o ur "Fancy," and its reception in Baltimore was as goals would never have been reached. 101
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