Page 105 - YB1953
P. 105
First n"~: C. Claylon, L. Rollins. 1:1. WUrrlGr. W, Sh(),·",ak'·r. Second row; E. J\lcWilliams. W. Harvey, 1'. Collins. INTERNATIONAL LE CERCLE FRANCAIS RELATIONS CLUB During ure school year, everyone interested in French meets in McDaniel Lounge on the second The lnteruational Relations Club, reali~ing Monday evening of each 1110nLh. The club's the importance of a national election, and .Ihe purpose is to enable students to participate in effect which the outcome of such all election and enjoy social activities cenied 011 in the would have on international affairs, devoted its French language. Under the sponsorship of Miss opening me~ting to a discussion of the Issues Margaret Snader and the leadership of Thomas facing tht voters in the 19S2 ejection. Douglass, president; Mary Alice Amoss, vice- At another meeting Dean David gave a back- preslclent; Connie .lones, secretary; and William ground sketch 011 Korea from his personal experi- Moore, treasurer, Le Cercle Francais continues ences in thnt country. l-lis speech keynoted a 10 be one of t.he more popular clubs on the Hill. panel discusaion by club members on the Korean Activities began ill October, with the preeen- situation and possible solutions to the problem. tntion of a scene for Les Miserobles as the rnuiu Rabbi Simon Schwab of Baltimore gm'c an attraction. As always, the traditional Christmas interesting speech all "Communism in the Light program, Cbcusous de Noel, was one of the highlights of the year.}o~';~r~I,~ iSt:tt:lt~II~~~s t~xt~~~~lte(~~~.~lt.~~ In October there was a special tnhle set up in and participate in a discussion. the dining hall for those who wished to employ In order to gain a fuller understanding of their knowledge of French in conversation. ~\;~l;.l~tl~~~I:~Sgr~l~p C~I~I~~r~=~:~~(\)~h~\~:,~:tl~Op~l~t~~ There were many more interesting programs throughout the with the annual presenta- but should plan and participaLe in its own tion of a of French drama in May. meetings. .J. T"mpl~IOt1, J. Seymour. E. L~wson, J. atooo, J. Kapl'aulI, K. MC'hl. Third roil': J. Parkr-r, H. Dicksoll. ill iss Snader, ll. \V. Tribby. D . .lones, ~1. Broadhurst. P. HcrlllulI, M. Eckhardt. L. CriSI,
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