Page 103 - YB1953
P. 103
WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB MEN'S GLEE CLUB The Women's Glee Club, composed of sixt y- The Men's Glee Club, under the direction of five members, 11'(15 under the direction of Miss Mr. Oliver K. Spungler, gave its first. public Evelyn Smith. The first presentation of the performance of the year by presenting II Clu-isi. season was a program given in IVlcDaniel Lounge mas Program for the Westminster Rotary Club for the American Association of University at a dinner at the Charlcs Carroll Hotel. Parts Women, which was repeated later for the entire of the same program were repealed when the student body in Alumni Hall. Beginning with a candlelight processional, the progru!l1 consisted dub sang for the Junior Women's Club at a of Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols, gathering at Mr. Spangler's house. One night accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Marshall, harpist. before Christmas vacation, the Men's Glee Cluh On April 21:1,the Glee Club gave a concert in serenaded the women's dormitories, after which Washington, D.C., which was repealed at the members wcre entertained at a Christmas Western Maryland College in Mny. Selections party given by Mr. and Mrs. Spengler. ranging from the !.6th century to the 20th During the second semester the glee dub century were performed. Madrigele by Tasso. presented a progrull1 at Hood College, and after Wilbye, and Farmer opened the program followed wards they were entertained at a diuuer-dnnce. by the i.eibeslieder Wallzes by Brahms. Heese They presented a joint program with the 011 the Hi//. by Aaron Copland and Pueri Hebrae- Women's Glee Club in Washington, D.C. Among onun. hy Randall Thompson, two compositions by American composers, were performed [or the their other engagements was a Lenten Service at first time in Westmillste[' as dosing selections the Methodist Chmcil, and a program for the of the program. Senior Women's Club. firM row: M. Broadhurst, R. Palmer, H. Stein, J. Clayton, W. Bjddl~, J. Hull. W. Crnwford, W. Cook. Prof. O. Spangler. Secolld row: D. Honunstcin, J. ~Ietherell. D. Yeoman, J. P,;arcc, R. B~rch. '1[(1. E. Shattuck. H. Howell, D. ACCOlilpHnist: A. I-lay-
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