Page 100 - YB1953
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FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA This has been a busy year for the Future One of the most successful and most enjoyed Teachers of America. Under the capable leader meetings took place shortly before Christmas ship of their president, Michael Rentko, assisted when the dub had a talk by one of the recent by a program committee, they have hurl mUlly \V.M.e. graduates who is now engaged in active very inforruative and interesting meetings. teaching. She spoke about some of her IJrob!ellls Several of the Inembers constructed a Heme. as a beginning teacher. Following this, a group COining display of which they were all proud. Their slogan, "Beat them to the Core", seemed of student teachers who were at that time most filling as the football theme and also as an practice leaching, told some of their experiences. educational theme. This fall they sent two They found that they could laugh at one another's members to represent them at the slate F.r.A. mistakes and still benefit [rom them. meeting in Baltimore, and they were very proud With constant help from their sponsors, NIl'. tu have one of the state officers, Mary Alice Bailer, Dr. Smith, and Mr. DeCourcy, the r.T.A. Amoss, in their club. has had a most profitable year. Firs/ {VII,!: E. l\dal1l$. )\1. AI1l0S~, L. Kuhn. Second rvw: C. Jones. A. Plrillips, J. Althouse. I'll. 1\1. Pul~. ru.« row: E. Rwtdph. D. P. Erns!. 1\1. Earl, V. Bond. P. P. Messick [00
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