Page 44 - YB1952
P. 44
CARL LEE STURGILL Persbiog Rifles; Officers' Club, A Virginia gentleman . promoter of good will a Mary- land girl in '48 .. love for math and physics to Eileen veteran of Pacific warfare highest student excellence . always willing to help "'1"11 his broad smile compliments his pleasant even a Hopkins transfer not held J AMES JOSEPH SULLIVAN Cillb 2,3; Jack of all trades . puns b,11I as well as shot office in Harvey Stone wiring engineer for numerous dances aversion for pickles and cheese . dean's lister while carrying 20 hours "Brace yourselves mares" Gamma Bet workhorse friendly brother to Phi Alphs . plans ro retire at age 70 . Who?" "Cheer up, things are bound to get worse" Wit-Wit-Whitfield MARY ELIZABETH SUMMERS Orchestra 1, 2; !.R.C. 3, 4; ALOHA; Iota Gamma Chi 2,3,4. "Betty" hails from the "state" co-owner of Bab-ber (that green Plymouth) on the house mother 'The horn blows at and soc major sleeps through her alarm "Err" "Let's get a late leave' free bus to the laundry-mar. ESSELl. P. THOMAS, JR S,C.A. 3; Smut 1,2,3,4; F.T.A. "Erler' alias "Two Week' Thomas a true Eastern "Sho" man "I'm broke as usual" short-order cook and borrle drainer at Ocean City. known for his athletic physique . :I constant Dean's Lister plans to teach English-and write a staunch supporter of the Black and Whites active in extracurricular activities an indi- vidualist and idealist
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