Page 43 - YB1952
P. 43
ELIZABETH LOUISE SIMPSON . Berry" a girl of high ideals ... from rhe halls of B.W. to the doors of McD. Hall . a friend indeed possessor of a diamond interested in leathernecks and sciences, botany and Herbs a Delong protege-now she's nho, now she's soprano stars on the hockey tield, on the basketball COUrt, and in swimming at Sherwood and charming personality all this and giggles too. DON A lD M. SMITH 1, 4; 3; 4. "Sminy Econ major exrraordinaire .. drum major that put the band on the W.M.C. map . conductor of note. . an aurhority on marches unperrurbnble .. eloquent on occasion but doesn't waste words . keeper of the gold for the Black and Whites diligent student with a great will to succeed new found dramatic ability distinguished Military Student . dry wit the Hat the pipe the coat "Mercy" NANNETTE MAXINE SMITH Band 2, 3,' S.e.A. 1,2,3,4; ALOHA Staff 4; IKe. 3; Been in "Who's Who in America" since 1946 a P.K. with a dis- tinct Maine drawl, more pronounced after each summer notable Naval Academy jaunts never at a loss for words. arranges more blind dares rhan anyone else in the school a flutist wirh a love for fine music usually found eating, sleeping, visiting, or Baltimore bound has a very ardent "Backer" MARGARET LOUISE STACKHOUSE Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Tennis 7,2,3,4; [unior Follies 3. "Peg" loyal Washingtonian always caring Or talking does all her visiting after ten o'clock never in her own room at home in B.W. office and music hall took week s vacanon at begin ning of senior year for appendectomy discovered arusnc ralenr (? in her senior year, rosy cheeks came from years on the rennis court J. Edgar Hoover's right hand girl hates to leave W.M.C
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