Page 48 - YB1952
P. 48
JANE ELIZABETH WUlLSCHLEGER Sigma Sigma Tau; French Club. Mary Washington's loss is our Jane! attractive blonde with a dis- tinct New Jersey accent surprised even herself by her urrisric talent addicted to afternoon snoozes. Juliet of McDaniel"s balcony those tres interessante French novels are required! . specializes in word coinage and unique pronunciations a most agile and in- ventive practical jokesrer seminar in Seance Miss Ohler's right- hand girl Kidde! KARL EDWIN YOUNT, JR Alpba Kappa Alpha, via-pres/dam 4; concerr-masrer in Western Maryland orchestra in fre- quem demand as soloist may explain close conferences with cute accornparust . during summer in Europe, impressed by high quality of European femininity, especially in Paris. philosopher who is learning much from Logic Class Black and Whires believe he rhrows best passes plans include favonre pianist intends to teach music, or play in ensemble, or orchestra J AN ICE MARIE ZAISER secretary "janice" ... one of Hagerstown's lovelies. art major keeps Dave well supplied with argyles official hair stylist of Mary Bell (the shorter, the better) always looks forward to the week-end and D.P. 1 gOt the "booby" prize again! Uh huh, I don't believe in long engagements plans to get her MRS as well as BA this June. IRA GILBERT ZEPP, JR. "Easy" pride and joy of Bel Air ... mainstay on football eleven ... popular prexy of Gamma Bets and S.CA .... enters Drew Seminary this fall engaged to Mary. wicked softball hurler and quarter- miler accredits high scholastic standing to his famous victrola method . constant defender of Methodism '·OK. you guys" "I have a victrola, Miss Disbrow"
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