Page 41 - YB1952
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CORINNE TROY SCHOFIELD Westminster's gift ro the inrelligemia day hop for three years brave enough to spend last year on the Hill with Sully . innocently mischievous . big broad smile and hearty laugh Dean's daughter 'Hurry lip' . Whitfield protege loves to give parties- especially for certain faculry members one of the busiest and hardest workers on the Hill '"Goodnight shirr" ELIZABETH ANNE SCHUBERT 4; "Libby" a winning smile, a twinkling eye, and sympathetic ear makes her everybody's friend . bubbles over with energy how does she get everything done and still make the Dean's List? . can be seen dashing about madly, but never aimlessly. at mealtimes she's better late than never the Reverend's gal adds life to anything. CARL RICHARD SEILER Gamma Beta Cbi, Economics Club. Achieved fame by winning Master Point at Baltimore Bridge Tourn- ment . SpOrtS a green Olds convertible on occasion Econ major with lots of business ideas .. member of the Wednesday Club CUt more classes than ten people and managed to get away with ir Gamma Bet. heritage shows up in parties at Chelsea Terrace which will long be remembered excellent map maker loves ;1 good argumenr "I disagree!" MARY BELL SHAWN J. 2; An Eastern Shore girl. . to the music hall, where else? her first mountain in freshman year Cut my hair I'll surprise Gordon. . busy as president of Iotas and treasurer of Blanche Ward .. think I can get the car ... mastered the cable stitch "why hurry, I've gOt plenty of time".
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