Page 42 - YB1952
P. 42
ARTHUR WILLIAM SHEA RER Football; Alphtl Gamma Tau. "Orts' another of the famous "Southern dan" . cute, chubby member of the Bachelors viral cog in the football machine for three ex-vet with matrimonial intentions Jean is the one and . hobbies consist of reading, sleeping and eating likes vice-versa weighs 200 but is a 180 pounder at heart 'I'll raise" "Geeaie-peee.e you raise roo?" DOROTHY FRANCES SHOEMAKER "Dorrie activity personified frequently seen rushing between the chcm lab and the biology lab, her second home sells tickets at the Carrol! Theater. often seen blowing enthusiastically on her clarinet, both in the band and the orchestra cheery and infectious giggle definitely favors the Marine Corps avid member of the dayroom gang H KENNETH SHOOK Immaculate dresser . tOO busy for women most romantic before the footlights. . will defend his viewpoints to the bitter end "Hey, Don, what does this word mean?" a versatile athlete. stickler for fair play sings "to convey a message to the audience" his religious faith is granite-firm MARVIN EARL SIEGEL Alpha Gamma Tau .. vice-president 4; IVrestling team 2, 3, mat/ager 4. "Marv' "All righree' 'Turkey mit stuffink" insists he is not related to Bugsy. one of Hill's authorities on Dixieland jazz promoter of absurd Yiddish records tape-recording addict proud of abundance of hair on chest wresrler, even in spare time post-office and bookstore man one of most efficient Bachelor mothers. Chemistry lab. assistant intends to find niche in In- dustrial Chemistry.
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