Page 46 - YB1952
P. 46
4; 4; . can be seen whipping up evening gowns two hours before tinge of Southern drawl "Mary, I've gur something to tell you" plans ro reach and practice Home Economics exchanged ren cent store diamond for the real thing at Christmas time . sup" plied with midnight snack even in the coldest weather assistant detective on Ocean City Police Force DONALD LESLIE WASSMAN Delta Pi Alpha "Don' W.M.e after six and one-half years in the Navy "I'm a vet!" ... tells sea stories at all hours, if not studying economics. faithful Preacher member "Any mail?" '. co-author of Pcrown, summer 1950 fight prommcr: "em yOll make the weight, Blome?" Washington each weekend Who's gening bald-c-it's JUSt rhin- ning!" absolute authority on women. future: law school, then industrial management ELEANOR WELDE Transfer from Washington College in her senior year . hails from New Jersey bur is nowaday-hop from Baltimore combines major- ing in pre-med and keeping house for "Dick" plays violin in spare loves chemistry as well as cooking long blonde hair. PAUL W. WELLIVER 4; i,2, 3, 4; Golf "Paul" tall good looking lad. quiet, bur friendly ... familiar with college from boyhood likes to scare people with his big brown Crosley.. well rounded athlete.. one of the golf team's big six member of our undefeated football team . successful as Alpha in Bachelors leader of Scout Troop in \'(/"esrminsrer . majoring in chemistry plans to teach
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