Page 49 - YB1952
P. 49
JACK CLINGERMAN OLIVER HAZARD PERRY PHELPS Call1erbJtry Club,' IVeJ/eyam; Economics SALLY ELIZABETH RAY DONALD McSHANE Sigma Sigma Tau 2, 3; lmersoronoy Corned. If/restllng team, Alpha Gommo Tat., Choir. A "cultural biology" major . gets sleeping people Out of bed to play bridge at 12 :00 P.M. likes to take frequent trips to Baltimore. "Where's ·A.T.O.S.T' blue eyes that fascinare big men wants to be a roorh 'Let's eat lunch in the grill roday, for a Maryland biology change." fond of spending summers as a nine beauties, especially at Ocean laborer in Ocean City proudly sports a Sigma champion of shore life and sea food Nu pin! a mansion of his own on the beach some unforgerable "Mac'Dounnld" WATSON DANIEL SOLOMAN treasvrrer, R.o.T.C.; . Sol" chemistry major . transfer to the Hill WILLIAM DONALD OWINGS from Drexel Tech one of Herr Willen"s fans frequem(?) whistler down Blanche Ward "0011" quiet, but likeable math major from Garrison . arrives on campus in Ford couFe way. after 10 o'clock salesman mainspring "jusr" in time for 8 a.m. classes hopes to enter of Terror boxing team never quite ccrratn Civil Service after graduation will receive which Dean's List he's on in favor of revo- R.O.T.C. commission in May . ardent golfer. lutionizing the Liberal Arts system pinochle frequent trips to Baltimore for "PAT··icular player has a mind of his own "Well say there now, Dearie" PAUL PESHKOFF tall, blonde Preacher stalwart ready for a good time. football hero spans are favorite ncriviry-c-borh as participant and specrator .. looks mighty sharp with purple jacket one of the b'hoys anything you want done-see Paul ready to lend a helping hand can be found almost any hour of day or night Preacher Club room watching television Artie->-".
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