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enes ],2, secretarv-rreasnrer Schoo! 1,2,3,4. Hails from ML Airy.. math major. future teacher always "on the go" . spends summers in Ocean City "Anyone have change?"-"See Doris" Iota treasurer as well as Wes1eyanene presi- dear accommodating waitress in dining hall all four years. active In spans loves fried chicken spends leisure rime "socializing" CHARLOTTE WHEELER REED Hockey 4; Softball I, 3; Phi Alpha Mil, Sergeant-at-Arms President President 4; Intersororitv 4, President 4; Follies; Club 2, 3; SGA "Char" on her way somewhere Phi Alph prexy and dorm president the gay philosopher personified burns the mid- night oil. econ major her berter half gOt caughr in the draft learned how to study in her freshman year . one of the big six . "hey listen" . _ numbered socks bur still confusion famous for her Charleston, "slippers" and winning way wirh people. MARIANNA REMSI3ERG Iota Ga'fJl.1lta Chi 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4,. Argo1Jauts 3, 4; French Club 2_ "Mickey" soon to get her M.R.S home ec major who will soon put her knowledge to work in own home has knit on the same sweater for rwo years "I'm going ro let my hair grow long" lives for the week ends . big brown eyes that talk a rebel whose future resrs in solid Yankee rerrirory. ESTHER CLARE RICE Glee Club 2; FTA, 4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Bad- quiet, shy, unassuming manner, charmingly frank . at- tractive natural wavy locks, captivating smile spans stylish blue sedan which among other things is used for "education" interested in certain Green Terror patient, especially with roommate, saying each morning, "Going to make it to breakfast or JUSt to class-c-lare!" Insists upon bringing one piece of new furniture each semester . a sharp, subtle wit a friend to cherish.
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