Page 40 - YB1952
P. 40
CHESTER WILSON RILL Wesleyans 1,2,3,4; ROTC 1, 2, 3, 4. "Ches' loyal member of the Wesleyans president of Wesleyans in fourth year from the farm and farmer for tWO years prior to entering college . native of Westminster ... married and has a daughter with beautiful eyes seen very little on campllS due to part-time job carpentering. . active in church work . Sociology major plans to enter Westminster Theological Seminary after graduation. MARY SUSAN RINEHART Club 1,2; EC01WntlCJ Club 3, 4; Delta Sigma Kappa 3, treasurer . Susie" petite and vivacious ccon major, but French and Joan of Arc her downfall regular inhabitant of the Grille during "Free" hours "bridge?" applies her accounting knowledge as treasurer of the Delts. never seen in rhe same dress twice bridesmaid three times, but still [Q be a bride owner of a and gray chevie. collector of speeding tickets everyone her parties week ends devoted to Elgin ALMA DOROTHEA SCHMIDT Glee Club 2, 3, 4; L.S.A. 2, 3, 4; p.T.A. 3, 4; College Players 3,4; GOLD BUG3, 4; ALOHA 4; Gamma Ct» 2, 3, 4. "Dottie LOll" brunette wants to be a redhead flair for the dramatic and scenery painting. Cloud Forty-Nine 'When I was in Vermont" "Don't rush me!" .. "Why n?t a scrapbook big enough for tabletops?" red coat and horned-rimmed glasses .. famous for Dorothy Parker monologues. "Anybody got a wheel- chair?" daily mint patty Benchley-like sense of humor mania for visual aids. ANITA JOYCE SCHMIDT Hockey I, Basketball 1, 1, 2, 3, 4; ALOHA 4; GOLD BUG 2, 3; Follies 3. "Joyce" "College Park, here I come" basketball enthusiast who referees games. "Oh, how 1 hate to get up in the morning" .. plans to do graduate work at Maryland loved practice teaching and her six week vacation at home party girl. . never misses her period of "grille" practical joker "Chop-Chop"
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