Page 47 - YB1952
P. 47
IMOGENE IRENE WEYBRIGHT Hails from Detour but accepts none reward her goals. future re- ceiver of polished apples admired for ability to make good wa?es Remember "Oh, he's gor Aat feet" spends most of hfe waltlng -c-eirher for father or Army what's a winter without red ear muffs .,always ready for a parry "Betty, it's time to go to bed" going to Europe this summer EVA KATHERINE WILEY 2,3; junior Foltiess lota GatJl1/UI Chi, secretory "Kathy" rhe other half of the twins who always wears a barrette. spends summers atop tractor on her father's farm "Oh pshaw" . loves cats major who can find any excuse for a party . belongs to of the White Jackets . easy going and seldom worries wish this week would be over" undecided about future. HELEN HOPE WILEY French Club I; l ot« Gmrt1/M Chi; F.TA. 3. 4; [nnior FoUies . . Helen" "1 am the oldest twin by rwo Science, and Education major who never in on the [ail end of a conversation corny jokes and prize remarks . can actually enjoyed the education department .. company" "We don'[ look that much alike' BRENT KINGSLEY WOOD Economics Club 3, 4. "Woodie" an economics major who plans to law. transfer from William and Mary official fight night and Royal s(Qckholder. . the poor man's Gr.mdand Rice tremendous im- aginative and descriptive powers so punctual you can set your watch by his movements commutes ro classes from Reisterstown .. quiet and likeable Brent's keen sense of humor makes him an ideal roommate "Gone buck Woodie?"'
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