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for the club were sent or brought by returning bunch of girls when we came back to school Phi Alphs, and our own gifts to the club were that night. My, what fun it had been for opened at this time. It was a "regular" all of us! birthday party. Out at Gilbert's we gathered together for A pleasant afternoon was spent at the the last time during this college year. With faculty tea. Teachers and students mingled much ceremony __toasts were drunk to our together with all thoughts of studies forgotten departing sisters. r t was the senior farewell- for those few hours. a farewell bringing with it the sadness which Phi Alpha Mu did its part in helping to comes with parting, but the happiness which make the annual Pan-Hellenic Dance an comes with the knowledge of having spent outstanding _success. a wonderful Phi Alph year. Every May the "Hobo Hitch" to the All these memorable occasions along with "tavern" is an unforgetable event. Rushees numerous informal dinners, chats, and get- rushed about trying to find hidden peanuts togerhers in the elu broom made up the calen., and presents; after the hunt was over they dar for the fourteenth year of Phi Alpha Mu. settled down to a hearty feed. Hamburgers, And thus, we work and play, ever standing cakes and Dixie cups disappeared as if by faithful together and loyal apurt->' We follow magic. We were an exhausted but happy the Light of Fellowship". SCOTT ADArvlS N1CODEl\IUS l\lcLUCI\IE ~ODER NITZEL DELAHAY CRAIG BROWN fmADBURN COBERLY POORE AR~ISTRONG SHANK DUNN WIEDERSUl\l GILES SALERNO BARNES BANDORF W1LLJAl\lS DEXTER
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