Page 96 - YB1940
P. 96
------~fl \ In August, Sigma Sigma Tau began its were back, and after a very enjoyable meal eighteenth year by gathering as many mem- we pinned on our big yellow chrysanthemums bers as possible at Ocean City for a house and went over to the stadium where we en- party, and imagine everyone's joy at finding joyed a thrilling game with Boston University not only the Sigmas but a number of other under the floodlights. Western Marylanders there too. Biking on Homecoming day brought back some of our the boardwalk, bridge games on the beach, members and after the exciting game with swimming-oh yes; and even sunburn- Dickinson we all went back to the clubroom helped to pass the time and put everyone in for tea. the mood for college-more or less! It was about this time that we started The first of October found us all glad to be having our monthly informal suppers, where back and the fall rush party was the first everyone makes her own sandwiches and big event on our calendar. Of course it eats just all she can. rained-but fortunately it cleared off in time Our pledges afforded us a good deal of so that we had a pleasant ride to Baltimore amusement, too. "Oh, Johnnie" came near with our rushees. It seemed like old times being a club song. at dinner because so many of our alumnae Time went quickly and before we knew it c. JaCKEL C. CREAGER M. CREAGER SMITH R. DYGERT M. BROWN SCOTT FITZGERALD COE B. BROWN VOLLMER VROOME V. WIGLEY EDMOND LOGAN CAIRNES D1LLAWAY J. WIGLEY H. DYGERT V.JOCKEL STEVENSON TRIESLER R. REESE COLLINSON MELLOR RUDISILL MASTEN LIPPY RUDY S. REESE
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