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ALPUA DELTA majors with some idea of their opportunities LAIUBDA in related vocational fields; and to promote a sciences on the in physical greater interest campus." As a result a greater number of FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS prospective chemists and physicists were KEk~HT BEY.<\RD President helped by the program of the club. LESLl E STOKES Secretary The bi-monthly meetings which were held MILTON CROSSWHITE TrCflSlIr;r throughout the year revolved around three general types. The first type was that at SECOND SEMESTEH. OFFICERS which student members of the organization were in charge of the meetings. I n these \VILLARD EVERETT President meetings there were discussions and reports ELEANOR \VH EELER Secretary on recent articles in the field of the physical CATHERINE BARKER Treasurer sciences and demonstrations of unusual work done by the students outside of the regular class work. J n December 1939, the members of the former Chemists' Club voted to reorganize The second type of meetings was that at and adopt the name of Alpha Delta Lambda. which moving pictures were shown. At almost one meeting every month, a picture It was felt that the combination of the Phy., on steel, oil, crystals, water, or some related sics and Chemistry departments into a dub subject was shown. would produce a more functional organiza- 'the third type of meeting was that at tion. The essential change in the constitu- which there was a guest speaker. The club tion was the inclusion into membership of felt particularly fortunate this year to have any person on the" Hill" who was interested in the physical sciences, Dr. Otto Haas of Princeton University speak on organic sulfur compounds and their The program of the year was formulated application to modern life. around the purpose. set forth in the consri., The splendid cooperation of all interested tution which is: "To promote a closer fellow- students and the faculty of the Physics and ship among the members of .the physi~al Chemistry departments gave Alpha Delta science departments; To cultivate an tn- Lambda reason to be proud of its large rerest in recent technical advances in the membership and unusually fine and frequent physical sciences; To provide physical science meetings this year. Nimly-jaur
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