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SIGMA SIGMA TAU FIRST SEMESTER President LETITJA BOGAN Vice-President CLARA JEAN CREAGER Secretary CATHERINE JOCKEL Treasurer MARY ANNA BROWN Sergeant-ai-rirms RUTH REESE Sunshine Messenger KATHLEEN COE Alumni Secretary MARY ELLEN CREAGER CAIRNES BOGAN Sl\HTH SDOff~or SECOND SEMESTER Each of us has something to remember; President JEAN CAIRNES skating, sledding, bridge, or dancing in the all will take away the memory Vice-President CAROLYN SMITH clubroom-we companions and good times of pleasant Secretary BETTY VROOM£ together. Treasurer RUTH DYGERT After the long-awaited spring recess, club EDNA TRIESLER activities were thrown into high gear as we Messenger LILYAN BENNETT entered the home stretch. Along with spring rltrcmni Sure/my ELLEN LOGAN came that old demon Spring Fever, but the Sigmas overcame him with a flurry of social events-and a flurry of tests. \\'e celebrated we were in the midst of the holiday season. the eighteenth anniversary of the sorority \Ve took time out from our numerous other with a party in the clubroom. Then we all activities, however, to gather round the became country "gals" for an afternoon on prettily decorated tree in the clubroom. our outdoor spring rush party. The sisters 'VIle found a present there for everyone and as well as the rushees gaily hunted peanuts, got marry laughs out of the verses that went sang, and played games. More adventurous with the gifts. As usual, we finished up the members waded in the brook and acted in a evening with "eats". manner "most unbefitting young ladies in All our social activity was not confined to college"-(We had fun, anyway). The Pan- our clubroom, however, and before we went Hellenic Dance was a feature at the time, too. home for vacation we joined our brother Once again we elected officers, this time for fraternity, Pi Alpha Alpha, at a tea dance in the coming year. If you had looked down into their clubroom. Robinson Garden soon after this at lunch In January we elected officers again and time you would have seen a mad scramble very soon after inauguration the old officers around the "Lover's Bench". Then someone gave the new officers the traditional dinner. would have shouted, "All ready? Hold it!" Then for a month or two teas were the Then a chorus of "Oh, I moved-l had my outstanding social events. First, we had a mouth open" ... The Sigmas were having tea for the freshmen rushees, then we joined their pictures taken. the other sororities in an Inter-sorority tea As the year drew to a close there was a dance to which everyone invited her "S.P.", growing feeling of excitement and of sadness and then, a little later, we had the Faculty among the seniors. At the Senior Fare.well Tea. At each of these we tried to continue Dinner memories of four happy and fruitful the hospitality and good fellowship which years crowded together in their hearts and has characterized the club. they said good-bye to their club with a ful j The winter season went quickly, too. realization of the meaning of "Fide et Amore." N;lIety-lhr ••
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