Page 93 - YB1940
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J. G. e, President SARA BLESSING Secretary EMMA WILLIAMS Treasurer MARGARET JEFFERSON Chaplain PAYNE MARTHA BLESSING pledged and went through a grueling three days of initiation. Home-made fudge, pro- Our winter events included a feed in the truding freckles, and black dresses harrowed Home Economics lab following the Christmas their days, while the pledges made beds, holidays. Gossip, gossip, gossip! Who was mopped floors and did the dirty work to your heart throb this year? 'What did you prove their worth for the senior members. do Christmas Eve? Friday night was the climax, a sad ordeal Our struggle for a clubroom as last bore for the pledges, and a heap of fun for the fruit and we realized this long-sought ambi., members as they put their initiates through tion. A Rurry of excitement followed as we the same trials and tribulations they had chose the furnishings for our new abode, previously endured. "Goldilocks and the arranged and rearranged the furniture. Three Bears" was a colossal success. Strange We held open house and members of the noises issued from the trunk room; plaster other clubs on the Hill, as well as the faculty, threatened to fall from ceilings in the rooms dropped in to view the new room. beneath. The whole dorm wondered. In the spring the crowning event of the year J.G.c., secret society. took place-we held a party in Baltimore Pledge service was an impressive affair- which included a play and supper in a private hushed silence, flickering candlelight, red dining room. The new officers were chosen roses; and the new members shook hands at this time and the juniors bade the seniors and partook of a bountiful repast. They a verbal farewell. A happy but tired busload wandered wearily back to their beds while of girls sang their way back to the Hill in the the campus slept peacefully on, little guessing wee small hours of the morning. what those pledges had just endured. More parties, more food, and more fun A little later in the year the club held a followed. movie party at the Carroll which was followed The second annual bulletin was published by a banquet at the Carroll Hotel. They by the club and distributed among its mem- thrilled to the life of the west, screamed bers and alumni. with Claudette Colbert at the appearance The juniors gave the seniors a farewell of the Indian, and cried in the appropriate party at the Pavilion. Hot-dogs and marsh- places. The food changed the mood and we mallows were roasted over the fireplace. returned singing to the campus. Songs and farewell speeches followed. The club held a Christmas party before Graduation ... the seniors leaving with the holidays. A beautifully decorated tree happy memories of the past ... friends, club was the center of interest. Presents were love, good times; the juniors to return and exchanged and the jingles were read amid "carryon the ideals and the secrets of the gales of laughter. J.G.C." EigMy·nine
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