Page 100 - YB1940
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First TtJfII: Creager, Hastings,.Bennett, Bertholf! Melvin, Hollu"., Benninghof, $uondrofLJ.' Shipley, Hudson, Brannock, Wheeler, Willard, Breeden, M,s. Campbell, Lew,", He.s, Quarles, Hendrickson. BETA BETA BETA prehistoric man, snails, sulfanilamid, theory of the gene, anaphylaxis, instinct, giant FIRST SEMESTER OFFICERS chromosomes, botanical expeditions, and FRANK SHIPLEY President hypnotism. This year we had some" home- MARGARET QUARLES Vice-President made" honey from our own beehives on our LAURA BREEDEN Secretary crackers. The initiation meetings at the DR. LLOYD M. BERTHOLF Treasurer homes of Dr. Bertholf and Professor Ben- RUTH ZENTZ Historian ninghof, the Christmas party with Santa, the monthly talks by guest lecturers, and SECOND SEMESTER OFFICERS the" Scientific Love Test" at the bazaar- MARGARET QUARLES President all added variety and pleasure to the program LAURA BREEDEN Secretary for the year. DR. LLOYD M. BERTHOLF Treasurer In January, Mr. Clyde Reed of Johns RUTH ZENTZ Historian Hopkins University spoke to the club on the "Evolution of Plants." Then, in February, Membership in Beta Beta Beta is a reward one of the former presidents, Dr. Aubrey to those who have displayed an active in- Schneider, attended a Thursday afternoon terest in the study of the biological sciences meeting and told of his research work. on the and who have attained above the average effect of thyroid feedings on invertebrates. -in all scholastic pursuits. The fraternity is One of the highlights of the year was the trip a national honorary biological society which in April to Madison, New Jersey, where has a three-fold program-stimulation of many of the members attended the regional knowledge; dissemination of scientific knowl- convention at Drew University. Here the edge; and promotion of biological. research. representatives held round table discussions This chapter has earned an Important and talked over student projects, field and position on the campus and continues suc- research work which has been carried on in cessfully to accomplish its three-fold pur- the various organizations. Later in the pose. The Thursday afternoon meetings month, Mr. Albert Kline, Class of '37, ad- will be pleasant memories to those members dressed the fraternity on the subject of who gathered together to discuss problems "Growth Substances in Protozoa." An of biological nature, to drink tea, and to active year was brought to an end in May munch cakes. From "Vitamins" to "Dino- by the outing at Cascade Lake, with swim- saurs," our diversified discussions included ming, boating, games, and a picnic supper.
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