Page 90 - YB1940
P. 90
,_-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELTA SIG~fA KAPPA President AUDREY COFFREN Pice-President GRACE BRANNOCK SMITH Secretary B£T'TE HELl'Il Treasurer DORIS LUBKING Allltnni Secretary MARY HASTINGS Cllt1plain ANNETTE HUTCHINS Sergeant-at-rinns DORIS MATHIAS Delta Sigma Kappa is the oldest Greek- letter sorority on the Hill. It was originally the J.U.C. Club which was organized in February, 1924, by a group of girls of the with the decorations and the orchestra, class of 1926. About a month after its which obligingly played all requests. When formation the club became a sorority, and dinner was over and they were back in the Mrs. George G. Wills was asked to be bus, they rode to the Fifth Regiment Armory sponsor. She accepted, and at her request where they spent two exciting hours at the the girls called her "Mater", For twelve Shriners' Circus. After that, refreshments years her guidance and sincere interest in were served them at the Emerson Hotel, and the club activities and in the members were just before they prepared to return to school, a great help toward the success of all under, everyone sang the Alma Maler. takings. Mater Wills resigned in 1936, and A few weeks after the rush party, invita- since then the Delts have had Miss Wilsie tions to join Delta Sigma Kappa were issued, Adkins for their able and loyal sponsor. and answers received. After that there was Shortly after its organization, the J.U.C. pledge service, initiation, and so forth-a Club took steps which resulted in the for., very busy season-and then everything mation of the Girl's Inter-Club Council. seemed to come back to normal just before The following year the club changed its name the holidays. to Delta Sigma Kappa, and in due time a In the meantime, however, alumni and pin and a seal were adopted. As the years friends had been welcomed in the clubroom went by, customs and traditions grew up and had had tea served to them on Home- which added to the feeling of unity and sister- coming Day-a custom which is followed hood which the Delts cherish-for each other. every year on that day. Just before Christ; The year 1939-1940 has been a busy one mas vacation began, the Delts gathered in for them. Returning to school after the sum, the clubroom for the annual Christmas party. mer vacation, during one week of which they All arrangements for it were made by the had gathered at Ocean City for a get-together, new members, and the girls spent an hour or they began to make plans for year's so exchanging gifts and having a really activities. The first important considerations grand time together. were those regarding the fall rush party. A few days after Christmas, active and When all preparations 'were completed, the alumni members of the sorority met in club members and their sophomore guests Baltimore for luncheon and to talk over piled into a bus and were driven to' the club news. A big" feed" in the clubroom Southern Hotel in Baltimore where they celebrated the return to school when the had dinner. The girls were especially pleased holidays ended. February 14 was the occa- Eighty-six
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