Page 99 - YB1940
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ARGONAUTS honor courses until the second semester, it was decided to confine the meetings to the OFFICERS period between February and June. The first meeting was held at the home of CAROLYN L. SII'ilTH President Miss A. B. Robb, who with Dr. Riddingtou, HELEN ARMACOST Vice-President served most ably as faculty advisors. Dr. MA RIANNA LEE LONG Secretary .Riddington welcomed the new members and explained the organization of the society. 1VII LTON CROSSWHITE TrC(ISlfrCI Dean Schofield then talked to the club on the place which scholarship holds, or should hold at a college such as Western Maryland. The Argonauts, the honor society of West, Miss Robb added the finishing touches to the ern Maryland College, was formed under the evening by serving coco-cola and ice cream leadership of Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf in 1935. moulded into tiny ships. The classic myth of Jason who in the The second meeting of the year was held ship" Argos" with his band of men search for the purpose of electing officers for the of the Golden Fleece supplied a name for the year 1940-41. Plans were also discussed for society. The insignia and initiation ritual the third meeting at which time the members also have their basis in this legend. The with the cooperation of the faculty in regard quest for knowledge is symbolized by the to transportation went to Johns Hopkins Golden Fleece. University to hear Dr. Morris Fishbein The society has a three-fold purpose speak on socialized medicine. according to its constitution, which is to The final meeting of the year was the ban- promote sound scholarship on the "Hill," quet in May to which the faculty and the to recognize those who attain high scholastic members of the sophomore class who were standing, and to provide opportunities for eligible were invited. Ar this time the fellowship among scholars of the various seniors who had completed their work for departments. honors and were to be graduated summa This year, since the juniors who were eli- cum laude or cum laude were formally initi., gible for membership did not choose their ated into the society. Ni""y-fir:e
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