Page 94 - YB1940
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PIlI ALPHA ~fU FIRST SEMESTER President OLIVE RODER Vice-President VIRGINIA \VOODEN Secretary BETTY ARMSTRONG Treasurer MARY LOUISE ASBURY ROBR, Sponsor WOODEN Chaplain COKA DUNN Sergeant-ar-rlrms BETTY CRAIG With the midsummer house-party in Ocean City, Phi Alpha Mu began another eventful SECOND SEMESTER year. President VIRGINIA \VOODEN Back on "the Hill" a few weeks later the excitement of fall rushing began. No one will Vice-President JEANNE SHANK forget that delightful trip to Baltimore. Secretary ELAINE BARNES The play "Ring Two" by Gladys Hurlbut, Treasurer which we saw at the Maryland theatre, was ... MARY LOUISE ASBURY an excellent comedy. From the theatre we Chaplain ELLEN GILES went to the Belvedere for our dinner party. "Francis" again had everything ready for our Sergeant-at-Arms ELISE WIEDERSA~l arrival. When we entered the Charles Room the orchestra played "College Ties" in honor of our sorority. It was all great fun-even was all ready for the festivities-and in the ride back to school in the wee hours of walked Saint Nick with presents and poems the morning. for everyone. Miss Robb, our club sponsor, Homecoming day was made especially plays the part to perfection. It is she who enjoyable for us not only by our victory in gives out the gifts while we all crunch nuts football but also by the return of Phi Alphs and candy. A merry time was had by all, of years gone by. After the game all of them the only objection was that is was over much gathered in the clubroom and over cups of too soon. tea, old and new sisters chattered gaily, 'After vacation, good times began again. keeping alive that feeling of true fellowship The night after we came back we had our and love which has been the spirit of Phi customary supper in the clubroom. All the Alpha Mu since it was founded in 1926. sisters had brought back food from home, Before it seemed possible the Christmas and Miss Rcbb, who was unable to come, on "the Hill" was in full swing. Pledges, sent us a huge basket of fruit. So with who could have been identified by big purple delicacies of every description, we sat down bows and odd socks, had become real Phi to enjoy a memorable feast. Alphs. Initiation with all its fun had become The tea in February for our rushees was a fond memory. The dinner party given for enjoyable and gave us an oppor- the new sisters was over-all the delicious tumty to become better acquainted with the candy that they had worked so hard to make freshmen girls. had been eaten, and everyone was waiting This year our club birthday dinner was expectantly for Saint Nick. The clubroom held at Gilbert's. We had a big cake with with its fireplace, lights, and Christmas tree candles and all the trimmings. New things Nin~l;y
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