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As frosh we wondered-horrible noises friendships, to fight for a clubroom, and to from the trunk room, hushed whispers initiate the chosen few. behind closed doors, W.M.'s only secret In r894 a group of junior and senior girls society-J.G.C.-without any explanation. vowed ... "We will carryon", and that is As sophomores we accepted-sitting back exactly what the J.G.c. has done. The to wait impatiently for the day when we oldest club on the Hill, J.G.c. was formed might have a chance to delve into its mys- by all of the senior and junior girls ofW.M.C. teries. Its initiation was something to really dread; As juniors the honored few, gaily garbed, the site was the bell tower in Old Main put their best foot forward at the rush parties, Building. Since then, j.c.c, has been received the ghostly summons, dared that carrying on the traditions established by ghost, and appeared about the campus in these former members. mournful black with straight hair and In the fall we rushed the juniors with a shiny noses. We awaited with a feeling of scavenger hunt and a very informal Hal- horror the big night, viewed with awe the lowe'en party-a shoe on Hoffa Field, a book pledge service, saw true friendships formed, by the arch. The ghost was also present at and ate more and more food. this party. As seniors we came back to renew those Eleven juniors and three seniors were PAYNE R.ZENTZ JEFFERSON WHITE CLINE BLESSING PRICE OLIVER McLUCKIE HARCUM MANSBERGER RAKES E. ZENTZ LIPPY ZIMMERMAN ROYER GAITHER GILCHRIST BRANNOCK HEALY BERWAGER WILLIAMS BOWEN Eighly~ight
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