Page 89 - YB1940
P. 89
----"--- --~~--------- PI ALPHA ALPHA dIp/III WEBSTER HOOD Pice /llpllll ROBERT WALTERS Corresponding Secretary SCOTT BROOKS Recording Secretary MILTON CROSSWHITE HOOD MAKOSKY, .sponsor Treasurer JOHN CARNOCHAN In accordance with the general improve, Sergeant-at-rtrms EDWIN ELDER merit of the Western Maryland College dances, the Black and White Club main- tained these new standards by holding in never had easy victories. A strong competi- February its annual dance. With traditional tive, and cooperative spirit was also developed Black and White decorations and programs, in the participants which wilt be valuable with the smooth rhythm of Joe Stephens' throughout their lives. Many of the in, orchestra, a perennial favorite on the Hill, dividual team members made the "All-Frat" the fraternity ended a successful social season. teams in various sports. Although there is much rivalry among the After a successful smoker, featuring a fraternities, especially in athletics and during German band, a club history by Sponsor rushing season, most of it is good-natured; Makosky, movies, free cigarettes, sandwiches for cooperatively, the clubs help in many and "horse's neck"-(equation: horse's neck= ways to better the life on the campus, ginger ale + ice cream), nine active and in- scholastically, athletically, and socially. No- terested pledges-Earl Schubert, Fletcher table among these efforts is the work of the Ward, Klein Leister, George Barrick, James Inter-Fraternity Council. The Pan-Hellenic Roby, Bernard Jennings, James Higman, Dance, given in the spring, is sponsored Alben Jones, and Harry Gruel-were re- jointly by the fraternities and sororities which ceived into the fraternity, assuring the future share in the work and prof ts of the final development of the club. Soon these fresh- climax of the social season. Pi Alpha Alpha men were taking active part, helping both has always stood for better feeling and themselves and the club to develop along cooperation among the clubs, and has done athletic, scholastic and social lines, for only its share in the promotion of its ideals. in this way can they learn to assume the This year will mark the valadictory of the responsibility which must soon be theirs. twelve senior members of the Black and Each year, the Black and White Club, White. Left behind them is their happiness with its sister sorority, Sigma Sigma Tau, of belonging to the Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity; holds a joint tea dance. This year's dance, left behind is the work, which they have done held in the fraternity club room on a Decem, for the fraternity; left behind many of the ber Saturday, was a tremendous success. friendships which have been developed E~ch mem.ber and guest had a splendid time, through the fraternity. But never left with dancing to recorded music, furnished behind are the memories and ideals which by the boys, and refreshments, served by the the club has given them. Thus, to the girls. These tea dances are one of the out, fraternity, these seniors, in parting from standing afternoon social functions held on active duty, say, "Pi Alpha Alpha-Carry the Hill. On!" Eighty-fioe
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