Page 88 - YB1940
P. 88
-- - - --_ --------- Pi Alpha Alpha, hard-hit last year by the new furniture and many odds and ends, graduation of twelve seniors and the loss of added throughout the year, served to fulfill its sponsor, determined to maintain the high the needs and desires of the comfort and standards upon which the Black and White beauty-loving members. Club was founded seventeen years ago. That Once again Pi Alpha Alpha continued its their ambitions have been achieved may be scholastic success, retaining the Inter-Frater- seen in a summary of the year's activities. nity Scholastic Cup, the honorary award given The first of the year's program called for to that fraternity with the highest academic the election of a new sponsor to take the place achievement. To obtain this cup, one of of Major Severne MacLaughlin, who was the three inter-fraternity cups, along with transferred to Panama. The club elected the Athletic and Sportmanship trophy, all Professor John Makosky, who had been a the marks of the individual members are charter member of the club upon its founda, averaged, and the club with the highest tion in 1923, and who was well-equipped to average is awarded the cup. take over the duties of its faculty advisor. Intra-mural athletics playa large part in Another pertinent problem staring the the life of any fraternity. While Pi Alpha members in the face was the club room cannot boast of winning teams this year, "rehabilitation" project started the year the teams were never push-avers, and fought before. Venetian blinds, a recording machine, to the best of their ability. The opposition CARNOCHAN ELSEROAD CROSSWHITE BECK HOOD STOKES WALTERS MERRITT BROOKS ROUSE L. ELLIOT J.ELLIOT GRIFFIN VINCENT HIGMAN BRENGLE QUYNN Eightyfour
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