Page 91 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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Best Wishes Mike Monaco Rachel Smiroldo CHARLES MULLIN Stoff Reporter What arc your majot(,) and minor(s)? ~My major is Psychology, and J have [WQ minors: one in Music and anomer in Women's Studies." Any extracurricular Activities or Volunteer Work you are in- volved in or will be? Favorite dasses/professors: "I'm currently involved with me radio srarien (WMCR) and "Josh Baron, Dr. Ra[ey- Cenderand Society, Sociology of Criminal Jus- Women's Issues Group, as w~!l as serving as eo-presldenr of rhe rjce Sysrem- Dr. Dundes." McDaniel chapter of Psi Chi. I'm also involved with Beta AJpha Chi, the McDaniel Music Honor Society," One cool change he/she was happy (0 see/one change he/she'd still like to see: Wha.t has been your favorite memory of senior year 50 fa:r? "Likes- Glar redo Dislike- Wishes rhar the changes would have happened ~My favorite memory from senior year was having friends over when she was herel would be here." rny apartmenr fora holiday poduck. My favorite senior year related memory was probably getting my senior capstone approved by the institutional review board, since it was good to get rhat out of my hair." Any advice for students on how to spend their senior year? "I'd say that the besr advice I can give is [0 nO! stress out over it [00 much. It'll be over soon enough, and if you know how to pick your battles, it'll go by with relatively few headaches." Five Fun Things to Know About Rebecca Tilyou ~ GREGORY NOLEN behavior and religiosiry in college students." SloFfReporter ~ Rachel poses for a Favorite ClassesfProfessors: 6~~~;:;heh~;~~fa~mal "1111'.Transition to Adulthood, my FYS class with Dr. Madsen, for Phi Mu. Thesisters Majorl was one of my favorites! 11IIso really enjoyed taking Abnormal all get ready onthe Minor: p$ychologywith Dr. Chalk." noor together ond toke pictures with ecch other Psychology and their dates. What she will miss most: Capstone "\'U miss living with my closest frlends and being involved in the Project: COmmUlliryat St. John's Catholic Church." Mary Crocamo "I'm doing an independent Plans for After Graduation: GREGORY NOLEN study investi- "Fve been hired as a missionary for the Fellowship ef Cerhcllc Stoff Reporter gating the re- University Students (FOCUS). I'll bedoingcvangelizadon work lationshipbe_ on a college campus, leading Bible studies and menroring Stu- rwccn reckless dentlione-on-one." Major/Minor: Oeaphlc Design and Psychology, with a minor in Art History Facts On Catherine Szczybor Capstone projects: "For art, Iwas in the Honors Show, Piece it Together, and in the Graphi- cally Speaking show in·May. For Psychology, I'm finishing an indepen- GREGORY NOLEN What she'll miss most: dent srudy on cross sex friendships and romantic relarionshlps," Staff Reporter "I will miss the wonderful faJ! and spring days in Red Square when everyone would come outside, lounge in the sun: play Favorite Classes/Professor.s: music, and discuss classes. I will miss those mold "l love raking gym classes here. I especially liked archery, Roar hockey, Major/Minor: Communication and SOCiology Double Glar when my friends and Iwould sir in ",0 ",.,. ""'."" "."""'. and yoga classes. ! also love taking drawing classes with Karya and an . Major about dream interpretation and dis- history with Grey." cussinghavingourownt~lkshow.1 Capstone Project: will miss the professors rhar What she will miss most: ~My Communication capstone is about how young adults use helped me to think broadly and "Definlrely all the friends I have made. I will miss being able (0 see so rexr messaging. My Sociology capstone from last sernesrer was crtrlcally about the world around many people Iknow and love JUSt by walking OUt my door." about rhe connection between Facebock use, soctal support, and me. They help to make a tiny cam- campus involvement." pusinthefarreachesofthesuburbs a place where we can learn to care "I'll actually be doing graphic and web design for a wine importer and Favorite Classes/Professors: abour rhe world." distributer. I'm looking forward [Q ir." ~My rwo favorite professors are Dr. Raley from the Sociology de- partment and Dr. Trader from rhe Communication department. Plans for after graduation: "I SomeofmyrnvoritecJaiscs havenorgortena"real"jobyet.l'm have been SOCiology of Sexualiry with Dr. Raley, Zimbabwe: looking into possible leads in urban From the Ground Up Jan Term with Dr. Johnson-Ross, and £0- planning, community building, or ropean Film Art on the Budapest campus." humanitarian aid," Meg Balladarsch YICHONG 11 The thing you'd miss tbe most: Stoff Reporter "The day to day routine and experiences I had at McDaniel. I would miss friends and faculty alike ... JUStthe general atmo- sphere McDaniel CoJl~e offers." Major: Art History Minor: Studio Art Upcoming plans: "To intern at an art museum, or get a job, or relax, Of•• JUSt see where my life takes me. I will plan, and let God and life ~PStone projects: The Spiri[ual ScuJpmre of do the rest.~ Gian Lorenzo Bernini and His OwnSpiriruality." One thing we absolutely should know abou[ you!! "I consider myday incomplete if! have I1Otsmiled.:) I also (rust ~avofite classes and/or prof.: ' God with all of my heart. I am al~o very excited to sec where my Dr. Susan C. SCOtT(My Advisor and mentor my 5 years ar Mc- life and everyone else's life takes them! Daniel College) Favorite Classes: Any An History class." I wish aUof my fellow graduates good wishes in all that [hey do! Whoooo Hoooo to dassof2011!"
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