Page 87 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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_____ .iltl:Jl!I:ll;I:IIl:l:;l~Do'io~t[.-L~JlM~lf~lt-i1eY~lIl-- ReAections on the Everyday Issue of Respect TIFFANY ROSERTSON out; you should look at yourself as P.,ficclessand arively and create a chain reaction. If you feel as equal in society. Contributor one of a kind. though you an: less than everyone else you Treat Marin, a freshman, says ~I would never put However, keep in mind rhar respecring your- others in a bad way because you want to make nude plcrures of myself on the internet, or have self is different from being vain or conceited. Re- them fed as unhappy as you are. sex with random boys. My body is holy." How oneo do we say "please» and "thank you?" specrlng yourself is knowing your worth and Romantic relationships often struggle due [Q Males also need to be looked at with respect. Haw often arc we courteous [Q a stranger or making sure others see it as well. a lack of mutual respect. Most females feel that Males get categorized as uncaring, and this is not thankful to our family? What happened to get- As we get older it is inevitable that we go most males are dishonest, selfish, and above all true. ting to know the person as an individual and om into society and interact with others, but disrespectful. Most males feel that females are "Mosr, but not all, females are disrespect- building up a friendship before intimate rela- the firsr form ofinreraction begins at home with judgmental, sneaky, and untrustworthy. These ful when rrusung their male spouse is involved. I tions? Do you know how to love, or more im- your family. Regardless of age everyone is irnpcr- labels come from bad experiences and unhealthy wish they [females} would StOPassociating every portantly, do you know how to respect? tanr and has feelings that we should listen to and past relationships. If people were not so invested man with untrustworthiness, lying, chearing, in- j recently reached out to some friends to re- cherish. in not rrusnng each other, {hen there would be sensitivity, being uncaring, and all the rest of the ally get to the bottom of the fact that respect has Lisa, a wife and a mother of rwo girls, says room for reconciliation and this problem would negative things they say about all men" says Rory, been forgotten in everyday relationships. "All relationships rhat you value start with the be dissolved. a freshman. While what repecr means is ambiguous, minimum level of respect. Kids should respect In OUT soctery, it is hard because there are Simply because one person has hurt you does Abby, a mother and student in college, says re- their parents, parems should respect their par- women who do nor respect themselves and would not mean that everyone will. We need to look at specr is, "raking people's feelings into eensld- ems, ere, and this establishes rules of moral re- do anything wlrh a man. Mosr males find this re- people without judgmem and understand that eradcn, motivating someone instead of tearing sponsibiliry ,hat your family should live by. Even assuring and often say 'what one female doesn't everyone ISImportant. them down, anticiparing someone's thoughts respect between siblings of each other's stuff aids do another one will' and rake the easy way out. Relationships should not be about one per- and sometimes needs. It's like the golden rule to this." Sex is a priority to many nnd both genders son hurting another person's feelings in order to says, 'do unto others as you would have them do Developing positive relationships with orh- can get hun when it comes into play. be sup-erior. The key to a healthy relationship is unco you'." ers stems from the relationship you have with Demand chivalry before intimacy. Every fe- having respect for everyone involved. Respect The first aspect of respect is to respect your- yourself and your family. It nffects how you view male is beautiful and should be treated like a for yourself, your family, and everyone else is self. When you look at yourselfin the mirrol, you others and your approach to the world. Low self- queen. jusr take a look at all of the past strug- vital and needs to be implemented in all parts should see a person who is beautiful inside and esteem can come from others who treat you neg- gil'Sfemales endured to even be recognized as an of society. !bE~U9hts 0~'di,!h~"'I~),~,9h'~'O~~YY~~E!,~,,~!l~'d'~fi~"~!~2o'!in Staff Reporter ask China to borrow more money (according 10 ln his 2010budgethespenr$3.8 trillion (accord- If you're a budget hawk like me, cutting a hnp;fltutor2u.nct). ing to hnp;flwww.foxnews.comfl and for the up- few billion dollars isn't going to Cut it rhough. When the government spends money that it coming 20! 1 budget, he proposed a $3.83 rrillion The last time that the "fiscal conservatives" Some of you may have heard about the govern- doesn't have inflation follows, and, it rhus reduces budget (according 10 hup:l/ in Congress actually cut anything was February menr potentially shutting down because of a lack the value of the dollar. On the other hand, the deficit problem is ac- 18 of this year (according to hnp:ffmoney.cnn. of progress over federal ddi.cit talks. The budget There are three problems going on with rually supposed to be geTting bener. Again, the comf). problem is just as serious as it was under Obama spending in [he goyernment right now: national problem with the deficit is with how much money What's most ironic over all of rhls is that the as it was under Bush. It is important to define debt, the fedc-raldeficit, and [he spending prob- the government spends versus the raxes [hat ir re- Democrats are getting so ourraged over JUStCUt- what a public deficit is. When the government lem. The deficit is a separate issue aside from the ceives. Afler2013, theCBO predicts that the fed- ting 2% of the national budget for 2011. Sena- spends more money than it has, it goes in debt. national debt. The national debt is a total of how eral deficit will be below $1 trillion (according to [OrChuck Schumer of New York calls the propos" H But what's the problem? Can't the govern- much money the public owes per year with the This is actu- al "e)([Teme (according to that htrp;flwww.the- ment juSt spend as much money as it wams tal deficit. spending. Right now we have a $14 rril- ally good news. lnaddirion to thar,Timothy Yes it can, but, money doesn't grow on trees. lion national debt (according to the debt clock The speaker of the hOllse John Boehner, Gheitner, the head of the Treasury has· claimed If the government decides ro spend more money at http://www.brillig.coml). The national debt is the Obama administration and the Democrats that unless the debt ceiling is increased (it's cur- than it allocates in taxes, the government will also supposed to reach $20 trillion by 2015 (ac- arc working in negotbtions to CUI the federal remlyat$14.3trillion) by May, tharthe U.S. will have to hand over more bonds to private inves- cording to http; budget. default on its obligarions. tors; it will also have to borrow more from the Things don't look good for the national debt. PragmatiSts will jump at Ihis situation and So, we either work on the budget deficit or federal leserve (a private bank that servcs as the Obama c:\mpaigned in 2008 against the massive they will ask fOI both sides to uwork together" in we default'! Which be: Surviving Sharing Bedrooms {and Making Friends} KIM WilLIAMS 2. Be considerate (obviously). If you know you 5. Use downnmefn'ghtllme as bondlllg time. If et<:.,hdp OUIyour room mat!: oul ,fc/,,,,y need it. Edilor-in-chief c:ln'rsleep with the light or music on, for instance, might only be this way for girls. ~Ul when you're Sometimes {hey WOn'task, so offer it yourself and CINDY SORDO assume your roommate can't either. Always ask both laying in bed at night, treat ,t as a sleepover; see what the~ say. Because ~o t_"al~erh~w b~ w'" Contributor them if Ihey mind you doing something before meaning. exchange stories, laugh, gossip, etc. 1 get, su.pportlngcach other ISVital Ifwe re gOlllg 10 you do it. It shows them you care, and then they'll know some of the best momentS and con_ver- make ,t through. The twO of us have been roomates for four years do chI' same. :~i;;~~::::~~p::dr:~e~~t:p:~.e at Illght 8. Don't ignore them; acknowledge them. Show (including a semester in Budapest) and so as our them you are aware of your usp-edal bond" thaI time on the Hill comes to an end we've come up 3. Try to get to know them. Some of the best 6. Respect their privacy. Even if you don't al- comes wirh being roommates. Say hi to them, with a few dps that made the past four years to- friendships come from roommates. It makes ways get along, gossiping about your roomate or smile, Stop for 3 chat when you sec them ou[Side gether not only bearable but amazing. things a lot less awkward if you more than JUSt sharing imimate details about their life that you your room. If you bring friends over, introduce their first name. You don't have ro be best friends, your roommate and your friends TO each other. If are privy to is unacceptable. You should be each 1. Forget about the little things. Roommates tcnd but try to make conversation sometimes. others allies and remember thai there are things they do something awesome, like win an award or to let linle, minor details and annoyances ger on about yourself that are better left between the rwo perform in a show, congratulate rhem. Go watch their nerves when they don't have to. If some- 4. Include them. Youdon't have tobe)oined at the of you. their games, presentations, or performances. Let thing is really bothering you, let them know in hip, but offering invitations makes your room;lIe them know you noticed. 1 love being able to say. a polite way, and they'll make note of it. They'll feel appreciated and can lead you on som'" pret- 7. Offer your help. Whether ic'scleaning, red~· uThat's my roommie!" whcn she does something probably let you know of something you do that ty awesome adventures- and the shared room orating, carrying something heavy, schoolwork, great. means you can reminisce about il afterwards. bothers them, too. SPORTS EDITORS STAFF REPORTERS If you feel down. Nick Brunner Hanna Barker, Zach Matt Bodnar Brown, Cassie Berube, Jeff Davis, Sara Erlich- CHIEF man, Kelsey Franklin, Ben PHOTOGRAPHER Grant; Teal Kocn, Saman-- Sam Segal "How wonderfol it is that nobody need wait tha lambert, Yichong li, 2 College Hill a single moment before starting to improve Westminster, MD 21157 STAFF Masha Makhlyagha, Mullin, Liz Mirizio, Charles the world. " -Anne Frank PHOTOGRAPHERS lauren Murray. Cullen mcdanielfreepres$.com 410.751.8600 Chris Bolesta, Omar Murray-Kemp, Gregory Brown. Just within reach is summer, freedom and WEB MANAGER Nolen, Meghon ScholZ, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Krystina Shultz, Jacob for the seniors, the future. Whatever you Kim Williams Megan Robinson Siegel, Amber Slater, end up doing, this quotation is something WEB ASSISTANTS Elec Trainor, Kaitlyn to keep in-mind. Have fun and do good! NEWS EDITOR Amanda Smid Vadenais, lisa Vasa polio, -Kim Williams Megan Robinson Jenna little Scott Welkos. FEATURES EDITOR ART DIRECTOR COPY EDITOR Emma Simon Kim Williams Jenna UHle COMMENTARY LAYOUT STAFF EDITOR . Sam Segal, Woody COPY DESK ••pick thil Up Nathan Wuertenberg Butler, Mary Crocamo Stuart Fischer
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