Page 90 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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_r;•.lt'l'I.~._ia~~:::I:II~~~::I.~"''1:::1~lr.]~1I1-~1IJ=-__ • Dan Alderman Check Out TJ Willoughby WARREN KRAFT WARREN KRAFT Stoff Reporter stafflleporter Cancer ill 2008 and h015made all astonish- Who the ingrecovery. He is back in ehe class rocm Are you a hot chick who goes to McDaniel? If you are, you prob- hell is Dan and OUton the field showing great courage ably know senior lacrosse player TJ WiUoughby. Alderman? and tremendous drive. This stud studies hard and plays hard! He majors in Business Dan Al- Dan plans to cherish the time he has Administration with a minor in Economics. He is an avid golfer, derman is a left at McDaniel and as a college student. an amateur photographer, and enjoys playing the guitar. 21 year old In his own words, "l am going to run my In high school TJ was an incredible football quarterback, but Senior here own company in the future, which will rowards rhe end of his senior year he decided to play college la- at McDaniel. take a lot of hard work and determination crosse, leaving football in the past. . He is an eco- -so I might as well JUStsit back and enjoy That decision brought TJ to McDaniel where he has made nnrruc major the rest of my time here at McDanie1." quite a name for him,o;eJf.He is an asset to the mens lacrosse team with a minor One of Dan's favorite changes Me- as well as a great friend to everyone on the team, and the many in in Arabic and Daniel bas made since he has been a stu- the McDaniel community. a member of the McDaniel Men's Lacrosse dene here ls Glar ll. Hesaid, "iris probably TJ spends every summer in Ocean City, Maryland with a few T~. the hippest pan of the school as of now; I of his closesc friends from McDaniel. Unfortunately, this past W'har many people don't know about just hope the stadium project turns OUtas summer was his last sdnr.cffun in the sun because after gradua- Dan is that he was diagnosed with Blood nice as Glar!I tion TJ will be taking his first steps into the business world. - Natalie Fitzpatrick Meagan Brittany LAUREN MURRAY Stoff Reporter Freshman Year: "Attending my FYS Mur- Eifert Jarboe Her favorite memories: der Mystery Dinner Party at Dr. Kachur's KAITLYN VADENAls KAlTlYN VADENAls house alongside my friends KimberlyWil- Staff Reporler Stoff Reporter liams and Kristin Behrle. We were all dressed up as witches, devils, and vam- Major: Psychology IIIIII!IP:.'I:I ••• Major: Business pires. We enjoyed a great meal and discov- Minors: Spanish ered who the murderer was by a bonfire. (J Favoriteclasse.s: and Economics was not the murderer in fact my character Wa5 the least likely to be the murderer)." "Criminology Where do you and Behavioral see yourself in 5 Neuroscience." Sophomore Year:"Hanging out in the Fore- Y"'" lines House the weekend before finals!" Things you'll miss "Well if the world most about McDaniel: doesn't end, mar- Junior Year: ~Living in the Outdoors ~Playing softball and doing spontaneous things ricd with a full- dmemarketing Club House with my besr friends. Also, wlrh my roomrnates." job, potential- Snowmageddon cancelled classes for a week so we could play in the snow and marathon Plans after college: ly living in New Harry Po[[er and Lord of the Rings." YorkCiry." Natalie Finpatrick is a niple major, in ~rm doing the grad school program liuman and Spec;,,", E.ducnion Business Administration, Economics, and Senior Year: "Ihe fun times in North Vil- S",-v;ca; Managc=,mr If you had to do it all again, what would you do differ- at McDaniel. It is school and an internship to- Accounting Economics. She plans on be- lage and all the awesome clubrooms, as well gether." eDdy? ' coming an Admissions Counselor and pur- as no classes on Monday, Wednesday, and "I wouldn't have had a boyfriend from home, I'd go out suing her MBA. Friday!" Advice for the incoming freshman: more on weeknights when 1 was stressing about ho~e- "Do a.s much as you can so that when you look work, and I would have t~~eclharder in my non-majOr dassesmyFreshmanyear. Hannah Elovich back after 4 years you don't have regrets and What is your favorite late-night study food? wish you had done rhings differently." CHARLES MULLIN What is the most random thing you'll have "Dcruos and an iced coffee from W-aWa." Stoff Reporter to get rid of wben you move out? "My sheets and memory foam because I don't What was YOW"favorite c:xperit:R~ at McDaniel? plan 0nnsleeping on a {Winsized bed ever "Cctng to away sporting events with my friends because I Whatareyou.r major(s) and minor(s)? again. always have so much fun taking link road trips." "My Major is Social Work." Can you count rhe amount of all_DigLter'~ What Mlftg would describe your college years! Any extracurricular activities or vol- you've pulled. on one hand? You're Gonna Miss This _ Trace Adkins unteer work you have been orwill be "Yes I can." involved with? "I am the President of the Studenr Alum- ni Council, Vice President or Phi Alpha Social Work Honor Society, Founder and member of the Social Work Action Team, and former Volunteer at the Cold Weather dents on how to spend their senior Shelter and Beys and Glrls clubl" year? "I would say to make sure you keep a good What has been 'fOur favorite mem- balance between school and play." ory of senior year so fad ~My favorite memory would probably be Homecoming What do you have planned for after because many or the alumni came back to senior year? visit!" • "l am going off to the. Universiry of Penn- sylvania School of Social Policy and Practice Any advice you could give to stu- rc purSlle my Masters in Social Work.!H Rachel Smith Rocks gatesandT. Evcrgares GREGORY NOLEN Stoff Reporter (History department), Dr. McKay (An his- \Ory), Dr. Feeley(History),and a professor who unfortunately lefr a couple years ago, . . m01)c :-.!eeting lifelong Dr. Davis (English). lowe the most to Dr. Major/Minor: nnd completing: Senior Seminar "I designe
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