Page 86 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 86
_['.'Ja'l.r.lll.iI~~~:II:i1~~::Ialo"'C:.J~'~'~~.'.!.'~~" _ Jc~SI!!Wh at tb,~,,,.tt~i~O~'"dt~""q,,1~ke rta ria~"i,ADY,'ti,~~"~" Stoff Reporter I think that it takes power away from me people "Conservative decentralism. Like everyone "negative liberty" which .are natural righ.ts. Bur, and that people need to have: the power to d.o who isn't an anarchist Of a True Believer is some they full short in economic rights. He thinks that what they want to do. !want to maximize indi- political messiah (Mussolini, Hitler, Obama, Ron you have (0 be both a Republican and a Libertar- vidual liberty and lift the restraints on society by Paul, erc.}. [don't tfUSC anyone, but I differ from ian, and vice-versa, not just one or [he ocher. The the government, In my view, the government is the mainstream in also noe trusting groups of peo- government is supposed [0 only have a very lim- involved in big business too often and if it were pie. In practice, this means that [consider the pri- ired role here. to StOpwe would have a much more free market mary role of governments to be regularing other SCOttisn't saying necessarily that one has to than the one that we have today. powerful groups of people (read: corporations), be a Republican in order to be a Libertarian, but, Senior Ross Feinberg rells people that he and 1prefer ro have both of those groups as small that if you were a true Republican and you ~e- is a civil-Libertarian because he believes in 50- and localized as possible, so rhar rhey are more lieved in the maximization of individual liberties, cial programs but deep down he is a fun-blown easily held accountable and their inevitable rnis- than you would be a Libertarian. anarchist. rakes are more easily dealt wirh," says Rian. "I consider myself to be a minarchlsr-cnc «I hare people teUing me what to do, and The Libertarian parry is different from the who believes that the state has the legitimate role often times that is what the govemmenr does." Republican party and is a separate, distinct group. of protecting of protecting individuals from harm one has to be in order to he a Libertarian. I've asked people around says Ross Feinberg. In a perfect scciery he says They believe in negative liberties and they believe by other individuals or by a foreign threat. ~y in fiscal responsibilities. The Libertarian ideology other role of government is an unacceptable that we wouldn't need government and that'_{why our club as to whar they think being a Libertarian 10- is, or why they've come to the club and think the he doesn't like the idea of government. He says also isvery diverse which might be why the Liber- trusion in a person's daily affairs," says Scort: way rhar they do. thaI Seen Cammo, the President of the Liberrar- rarian party has trouble organizing 011a national As you can see, the libertarian ideology ISfar Despite the stetel)types or the mainstream ian Club, gOt him interested in politics and he is level during election season. more diverse than most people think lt is. Repub- media that paint Libertarians as a radical group the nnly Republican that he trusts. SCOttCamure is the only Republican of the licanisrn usually only has four different C¥pe~of rbar worships rhe U.S. Constitution of 1787 We also have people who have political opin- Libertarian dub and the head of the college Re- people in it: neoconservatism, the religious nghr, and that always rakes parr within all the militia ions thar would be considered fur from the norm publican Club as well. SCOttdoesn't believe rhar social conservatives and fiscal conservatives .. The groups, libertarians are actually reasonable pee- in any normal political crlentarion, Wesley Rian, the government should interfere with moral val- Libertarian party, however has a lot of different r. h ues and h -rhi ks h Id'" philosophies forinstance,saysthatheisabelieverindecentraI_ h pie who have justifications forcheir beliefs rather than being against African Americans or the poor. izaricn. Some people want tor the government to with the e:on~:y :ta:JJ~ ~esa~~ b~:iel;e~ert~:~ Usually 'the one thing that people a~e ~ble We have anarchists, Democrats, Republicans, and be smaller and for it to be done on a local level. there are few libertarians in rhe Republican party, to find common ground within Liberrwtaotsm civU-Libertariansincheclubhere The belief behind this philosophy is that ifrhings Ron Paul being one of them, is that they don'r like the role of the governm~m were morc community oriented the people thar Republica.ns are mote likely to argue in favor and they think that what the government is dOIng As for me, I am an individual anarchist. I are in charge would be able to be more respon- of progmms like indefinite detention and tax col- is different from what it should be. Why Go to College? Have Fun with Strangers ;ICf7~NG 1I say. "Don't fight. JUStearn your degree and be CASSIE BERUBE prise halftime dance ro "Cotton Eye Joe~. d k"ng it to eporter done with il.". . , Stoff Reporter Across the fie!~'i;;:~eo~~~ tl::;~e~:,r~: aldose Stop.BUteven If I did, Iknow the pain doesnt ;~~~~r;~l; :;;a:~'Those Guys" pul!<:d rhrough for a For rwo years, I knew Iwas in pain, A question haunrs me like venom in my The sun was s[reaming down upon the eager faces of 11-10 win:. H: ball (b~..:ause they could but 1 couldn't pin- veins, boiling up ag.ain and aga~n. When I try [he players last Saturday as they stretc,hed, jo.gge~ or ~:i:h~~::!I~:~r;1.::;:'Y) wenr (0 D~:penenced iel Budapest and M Budapest for ISIt ~::h: 'S:::b~:!a;e~l we compl : a n ir is.» that say.;' is their name. Where w:[I::~ t: coming to It came as a huge surprise to me when I gOt co re Budapest and found ou, that the students here COntributi~g factor, bu/o;~:r :~il~~ I:ee:yr:~: echo~~ ;hni;ninm~u:irr~~;::~~t "~ul:;e:tu:: ~~:;~~~~~~ !~a~:s~hoice. but to. wort~ h;:~ don't want to come to th~ ~main cnmpus," as they dents seem not to get any help in adjusting er. That is hardly a~ appeahn~ .0~tlO~e central caJitheWestminstcrcampus,la~kedaround,try_ I personally love campus life." to studenfl;. Whereas hfe/fun/actJ~t1es a nd I like ing to figure OUt how lhiscould be, because I personally love McDaniel and am so glad that I McDaniel and am so However, Rose Falkner, Direcror of the In- here, dasse,~ ar~ ou~ life b:ck a~mo:~~~t ro keep i chOHetocomehere. [found that whHe theopin_ glad that I chose to ::~::i:~~:~~:~~; ~~cr~::~r:~i:~;~ef;:J~~ :~t:ai~~a;a;~:m~I::~;fe ~a: an ~djUStJlle~le~~: ion ofl:he Budapesters is not as bad as it initial_ in Europe to life in America. ali of us, and will be one for Budapest s:'fficu!t Iyseemoo,therearesrillsomeopinionsthatare come here. mthernegative. taCt ;~;::r:l; ~:t~::~:~v~:~~:~ :~~ :~~ ~;a:!~fo:b;:;~h!~ ~;:a~~I
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