Page 93 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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laura's Transformation Ryan Hahn Rules KRYSTINASHULTZ my achievemenrs ... n JACOB SIEGEL around friends? Staff Reporter ~I remember thinking I was really cool fresh- Stoff Reporter "When hanging our with friends I enjoy going 10 man year,which'is a bit embarrassing." sporting events, playing golf or baseball, or just Freshman Laura Thompson: "In class,...! was REALLY quiet, said nary going out ro ear and having a good time." "Sometimes I look back on my freshman self a word.", Ryan Hahn is an exercise science major and a and cringe, because I recentiyrealized that I was "I also thought I was really well-traveled and peer mentor at McDaniel College. . How did you ge[ interested in exercise eel- probably a bit more cocky man I had any right considered myself 'globally aware;" encel Do you have other academic inter- robe." When you first came here what was going ests outside of your major? hi think I was feeling a bit egotistical about Senior Laura: through your head as you were all getting "I chose exercise since because what bener major She's no longer egorlsrical, saying "f think I used to McDaniel? Has college lived up to is there when you can go to a school and work was pretty much out of rhar phase by the time your expectations? with students and play and teach them sports sophmore year srarred." She parricipares more in "I was worried thar I wouldm be able to meec all day! Ir is so much fun. 1 love working with class. people and become friends. But from me first students with special needs and helping them in She feels she is much closer to being globally class I took here to my last one people have been there learning process." aware now rhan she was in 2007. Why: the nicest i have ever seen!" "I lived in Costa Rica for six months last What video games do you like? y~ar, which ended up being more of an eye· How did you find the social life here? "I like most video games. However Madden on- opening experience than I primarily expected. ~Ifeel like my social life here at Mcdaniel has line is my favorite." 1 think I only anticipated experiencing external grown. I have met alor of new people and be- changc: (Ianguage,scenery,culrure),butwhar re- come wirh alar of people also. It's a grear place What is the one thing that you will aUythrew me for a loop was how much Ichanged to be your selfl" want people to remember you by as you asaresultofmyexpc:riencemere. graduate? I'm moving back there after graduarton [Q What kinds of things are you interested "That guy that really listens to people when they pursue a year-long teaching conrracr, so some- in~ lalkr rhingmu5thave~lickedforme there!" ~Ilove Baseball (Go Sox). Ialso like ro playgolr. I really enjoy working with kids either with sports What kind of advice would you have for What hasn't changed? oratmychurch mat I attend. 1also like to cook people who arc coming to or are still at "I still stay up way roo late, ccnsume ccpt- and garden!" McDaniel? ousamounrs of caffeine, spend too much rime "Take advantage of all that MeDaniei has to offer messing around online and am perpetually late What do you like to do when you hang from dubs to interacting with the professors!'!" for most things." Masha Moves On Early Jeneice Shaw Soon JACOB SIEGEL Stoff Reporter "What things do you wish that people would pay attention more to around to Join M.A. Program Masha Makhlyagina is armally a graduating [u- McDaniel? nior.andwil!be missed when she leaves "EVERYTHING? The majority of people on CHARLES MULLIN made was gratifYing. We raised rhis campus are consciously making decisions to Name: Madya "Masha" Makhlyagina be blind to how rhey need to ger involved here Stoff ~eporter :~:~ ~~:~ ~:rdt~;e:!h::;hm: in various social justice causes, such wonderful feeling knowing that Major: Psychology as addressing race or the sexual ha- Majors: Psychology and we made such a small diffetence rassment that is prevalent here. I Women's Studies in some people's lives. And the In your time here how wish people would do the simple, MinoJ"' Spanish what w ...uld you say mat radical act of having a conver~ation ~frer party wasn't bed ei(her.~ you'vc spent YUUJ" most withsomeoneonadifficul{ 'i.rnedoing? might feel awkward at firsr, bur we Any cxtI"aCUJ"ricular activi- Any advice you could give "r have ~pcnt an enormous can only change the world if people ties or volunteer work you to students on how to amount of rime in class, ir leap our {heir comfort zones." were involved with? spend their senior year? seems. Not sure why, haha. "1 have been involved with "Try and balance work and play. You'll probably have a ton And stressing out. But no, in Do you feel that this college Women's Issues Group since allseriousness,mymreeyears bas been everything that you my lirst year and have been a of work to do your senior year, $0 rry and get it OUtof the way hereh.ave beenspenr debating expected it to be? presidcmandsecretary.lhave with my peers and myprofes- . also acted in me Vagina Mono- so you can enjoy your rime with "I didn't have any expectations corn- logues since my first year, di- friends more. sors and learning from unex- ing in, hcnesdy, Or maybe my ex- And spend as much rime peeted mentors. And doing immense amounrs of pectations were that Iwould be in and out, wim recting my senior year. with your friends as possible, I am involved with Rape what I lovingly qUJ ~gay shit,~ AKA attempting a degree, without making any real ties to the becauscyou'][ ne~erhaveanop- Service of ro extend rhe presence of LGBTQQlASPP in- 5chool. Unfortunately, ( think J caught the bug Crisis Intervention and interned pOrtu~ity to goof like this ever Carroll County dividuals on McDaniel's campus and in me sur- and now envision giving back to the community there past Fa!!. 1 am also a again rounding community. ~ here in my furure. Not sure how the heck this member of Honors, College schqol managed sneaking into my psyche like Choir, and MadrigalSingers. n What do you hlive planned Do you think that you've spend your time mat,bmchosearesomesncakytactics. n for after senior year? WeU at McDaniel college or that you've \Vhat has been your favor- "This Fall I'll be attending Ball wasted a lot of time? What is your opinion of the McDaniel ire memory of senior year night of The Vagina Mono- State University's' Clinical psy_ ~.Both. 1 feel that I wasted a good amount of community? sO far? 19uts. Itwasama1.ingrorealire chology M.A. program in Mun- time finding my niche. I wish fhar I had seen ~l have high regards for the community. We're "My favorite memory from my how much support we had. cie, Indiana." that I'm good at leadership and advocacy earlier a clq;e-knir unit, looking out for onc anOTher's senior year rhus farwas the final Counting up the mOlley we on because once: 1 embraced it, schoolwork be- pligh[!;...atlcastwhen it's reai!y neccssary.H !;arnesecondary. So ~Iflce1found the support net- work that suited me, I feel rhar my time has been What kinds of things do you like to do Congrats CJ Naper well used. !wish Ihad accepted. rhat social justice for fun? advocacy suites my personality berrer than JUSt ~Fun? I'm an eighty year-old woman trapped in being a nerdysrudier." a rwentyyear-old body. Sleep is fun?" LAUREN MURRAY Stoff Reporter As a graduating junior, how do you feel What clubs are you involved in? about graduating one year early? uI am the co-president of Allies, McDaniel's kl feel that I am nor ready ro graduate! There's GSA and the secretary of Women's Issues Group. srill so much Iwould love to do here at McDan- I consider myself a supporter of Environmental Senior track captain CJ Naper has only seen iel, bur 1 don't mean academically. There is a lot Action Group, Black Studenr Union, and the improvemen[!; in his mces since the 2010 sea- of Social change mat still needs w be implement- Hispanic-Ladno Alliance, but I have been hord- son when he finished the 1500 races wim a ed here and I would love to stick around to help bleaboutarrendingmeerings. I am a co-president 4:01.98. He plans to attend McDaniel in rhe fall to rhat happen. ['m ~d thar my undergrod educa- of rhe Psychology honor society, Psi Chi. 1 am tiOnliterally flew by, bur as forme people ... those also a member of AJpha Lambda Delro, Phi Betta pursue his Masters degree in educaTion. who really mean something will be in my life Kappa, Alpha Kappa Delta, Pi Gamma Mu, and CJ also plans to be a graduare assistant to after I graduate." the McDaniel Trumpeters. Oh and 1 also write rrack and 6e1d coao;:hDoug Renner. About run- for Sex on the Hill fOf chI' Free Press. n ning in rhe fmure, C] said "Well I [will] still have eligibility in track, so I'm hoping to be able What impact do you hope to have had on MCDaniel college as you leave? What is How would you £ate your overall experi- to run again next ye~r." He hopes to improve his times in the ISOO:rnd the 800 race. tbe one thing that you hope that people ence on a scale of 1-10? Aside from graduate school and track proc- ~ill remember rou like ~hen you go? "MY,overalJexperience?I'dsayan8.5." rice, CJ will "probably run a few 1Oks then starr hope people W!lI be more aware of Allies and ~e my work with that group. But to be realis- Do you have any advice for running marathons again~ in order to improve hismararhonpr. tiC, mOStpeople who have come in contact with students? ·The trnck Teamwishes CJ luck in his season ~e wilt jusr remember me as being abrasive, bur "GET INVOLVED. GO TO EVERYTHING next year and with his studies aswclL ;, at's thar. [ hope I've challenged people while MEET EVERYONE." vebeen here in someway."
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