Page 88 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 88
_l'_'J.~'}".III.iI~~::I::1~~~:::t.1-"'1:l.]~~~_~~~ ~ ew ~Iw!h~'h,YMc~9M~I~pL,Y:~,,~~h,!,~p'm~1~grts ~AIN~evi Stoff Reporter othe~~115:~~~~!~ t:~:i~(;~:~(F~I~n~I:~k~~: ::~ ~:~be:~~I::;~~as a~~_~:;~:~v:~t~~e~~~ ~; t~:r~~ees:~~::o~s a:~i~o~ndop~~:,e:!nd aU Women's soccer, and Volleyball. McDaniel record of eight interceptions. Shriver though the teams are not winning as much as Wh:u awild year of sporrs 2010-201 Ihas been at By the time winter rolled around, the Terror and Naperborh represented McDaniel at the re- hoped, or anticipated, the Terror rollercoasrer McDaniel College were ready (or more of rhe same heartache. And gional Cross Country run after having great in- seems destined for a wild finish. Up's and downs were a repenting parrem For Men's Lacrosse, OJ Rickels is trying to rhroughour each arhleric season here on "The they would need it. dlvidual seasons. Lindsey Wilson had another find a way to lead his team to y~[ anomer post outstanding year in Women's Cross Country and One of rhe biggest heartbreakers carne at [he Hill",and the roller coaster ride rhnr is GrecnTer- unrennialConference Mens Basketball rourna- earned herself All-Region. Devon Lesniak earned season berth. After a slow"start, the Terror have ror Athletics tossed and rurnedathletesand fan's menc first round. A shocking one poinr loss to himself All-Conference after a impressive season won three of their last four games. rninds alike and played with rheir heans. Haverford, on Wednesday February 23rd, in Men's Basketball. In Tennis, the f~hmen from North Take rbe football season rhis year for exam- char phenorns pie. A faStstart saw rhe Green Terror go half way saw the Green Terror's championship hopes Finally, no one had a beuer year individual_ Carroll Brian Kron and Matt Langsdale arc look- through the season with a 4-1 record, induding dashed. iy than seniorwresder Brock Glotfelty. Finishing ing to push their way to Conference tournamentS [he season with a 34-3 record, Clorfelry Despite the poor records and dellating defeats and lead the Terror ro a winning record. earned rwoshutoUlvicrories.lhesecondhalfofthesea_ that many of the Terrqr teams had faced [hrollgh- AII-ArnericansratusandcapruredtheCo[Jege'saII For the baseball team, me bats are busy, sonsawchecompleteopposite,finishingcheye~r OUtthe fall and winter seasons, there were many time win. record with 126, and finished third at cranking our 137 runs in just 26 games, How,:,,- off with a mediocre record of5-5. One game alone captured the intense back bright spots. the NCAA championships. Ali thanks to his.abili- er, keepingwi!.h the spirit of the college, the WillS New faces shined for the green and gold in and forrh drama that embodied the whole season, many sports, giving signs ofa bright future herein ties and never say die attitude. and Th''','',s~:e,b"o~:,c,owm,.~nhg'hio,bG':,o,c~~~rrorSoft- ," "I think that there are a few things thar sepa- . ~",,~, On Saturday, November 6th, after a triple-over" timc-come-from-behind thrilling homecoming, Westminster, Joe Rollins became a human high- rate me from ocher wrestlers in my weight class," baJJ:a:;~~~;:t~~:~ :~:d;~~~~~~ does t~e the Terror beat Genyshurg College 36-30. ~~~;o::~J:~;~~;:':~~;::;~'h:;:;~~I,;'~;;; ;~i~::~;o~~,;~;; ~,m;, :~'~:~;~::i,~,:~d athletic "I"d" And although rhis yw', W':: But Ihal wasn't the only heart stopping Mc- Daniel game. For tbe men's soccer team, 13 of over the reins from always accOuntablescnior's CJ niques that some heavyweights cannot use effec- Jh·o~:,r,n~~~.a"dh,:dh,mGo:,',~a~:r~~;nri~:y~n;arw7r~m ~. ..~," tively.Another ching is my conditioning. In many Naper and Ron Shriver in cross COUntry.' their 17 games played were decided by two goals c , Old faces shined as well, and laid daim or less. Although the Terror ended on the losing many pOSt-seasonhonors, Chris Kolb, Paul Smith, to of my matches! am able to push the pace and over. There's always next year. . The la5t thing is my will side of most of them, the team had hean,and Sa~ Cox,)ake Nichols, and Aaron Slaughter were fAR LEFT AND MIDDLE: Senior members of the 50ftbalileomsmile for the camero IMMEDIATE LEFT; Siudentsprodicing their lon990me in the 8 a.m. spring golfdass. Finals 2-1 How we gOt here: The M,,nlph;s Gr;zf ic5 "[anked~ the last game of the season, not!:r" ing some of their starters to ens~~eIth;iewed as Chicago V$, Indiana: Bulls lead series 3 w gamesro 1. play rhe Spurs. This move was 2 ; e ~ dominat- ~ow we gor here: Chicago's Derrick Rose has dumb, but as they are ~ow .up - a~ooked at as continued his MvP caliber play from the regular ing the Spurs in the paInt, It ~~n ~~l' f chI' San season, carrying the Chicago offensc through OUl a pretty smart m~ve: Manu m:~n~ ~:e to inju- th.e series averaging 28 points, hut 33 points in Antonio Spurs dldnr play ga G' 0'1"5 wm~ and only 16 points in 10sst".5,Derrick Rose ry; me Spurs looked lethargic an~ lost. S1:~S.1~e did sprain hi~ ankle midway mrough game four, return for game twO helped energIZe the p 'I the only game the Pacer5wo~, but me games have scored 17 points and they won. He couldn't he p aU been down-tO-thc_wire aIfail'll. Even though them enough in g~e rhree though, so no:", the the Pacers won a game, the Bulls will still win Spurs face a 2-1 hole. The three games have been thisreries. Bulls in 5 decided by a combined 12 points, so it wi!! prob- ably be a long serie.•. Grizzlies win in six, :~;~adelphia vs. Miami: Heat lead serle" Los Angeles vs. New Orleans: Series tied Row we gOt here: Miami's leBron James, Adantavs. Orlando: Adanta is lip 3~1. 2-2 How we gOt here: Chris Paul of the New Or- 3-0 How we got here: This seri~h ~~e ~~:wr;u~ ~::~~:r -:ed;~:d t;~~~d~~~eh:~: ~~~~r~; How w~ gOt here: Atlanta has allowed Or- leans Hornets has delivered rwo of the best per- dos~ games an! o~ ~1:;O~~;~:s quite simply ing nearly 70 points a game, and the Sixersdo not lando's DWight Howard [0 get his points but formances o( these young playoffs, defeating last :~~nn~l ~~~~he ~ou:m ~f the net'~~h"ing Treadmills and numerous o[h~r pieces of cardio ment is available, but whether the available equip- and uncomfortable TOwatch. equipment can have individual televisions connected ment tcatures a personal television Lemke docs speculate that individual televisions to the control pads. The users can pick the volume, Norm!tlly the elliptical and treadmill users at the would potentially make the communication i,lsues the show, and change anyching whenever they like. gym have the option to watch television progroms bcrwccn human beings worse by further cutting off There is no risk of remote loss or viewing a show mat while working out to help the time pa.~ and shed the need ro interact with other humans. is uncomfortable or un-enjoyable. TIlis revolution weight. A large television mounted on a wall in front However,Dan Green points OUtthat an unpleas- has popped up on a few machines at the local Ha- of the cardio equipment allows emerrainmcnl to be ane television viewing experience at the gym not only nover YMCA and is sure to be an epidemic Soon. hadbyal!. This is a very enjoyable privilege until the effects your mood, but also the quality of your work- Only time will tell if this technology other users pick a show or channel that is not enjoy- Out, If everyone could enjoy what.they wanted then will last or be halted in its tracks due to funds or lack able for everyone surrounding them, they could focus more on gerting healthy, of enrhusiasm, Keep an ear out for more information The workout equipment at the Honover Having to share the same chann~l with every- Lemke also was supportive of individual reJevi- on this debare at your 10caJgym. ~~C~~~:ro:~:d:~~~~~ lake5 to the
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