Page 92 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 92
'r'~_ -----~ ~-'It" _'l'~JII._~~~::I:11~~~::I-1-"""'::I~I[.]~IIJ.1-1IJ • Williams Wonders the World By Shavin YICHONG tI and Realism in Performance (wI Elizabeth Staff Reporter van den Berg for "A Doll's House"}." One cool change you'd like to see Major/Minor: happen (at this college): Dual English/Theatre major "I'd really like ro see people figure out how ro responsibly make mernes." Capstone project: UDoingarhearfecapsrone-Applyinglm- The thing you'll miss the most: provisation to Theatrical Techniques of "I'll miss hanging om with my friends Epic Theatre by Benoit Brecht and The- around campuslWesrminstera lor." arre of [he Oppressed by Augusto Boal to Achieve Audience Alienation Effect (long Upcoming plans: mle. sorryf)" "Hopefullygcrajobancianapanmenr!" Favorite classes and/or professor: One thing we absolutely should "My favorite classes have been Shake- know about you!! "I shaved my head for speare, Renaissance Lit (wI Dr. Panek), ~Wonderofthe World (Nov. 2010). I fed Modern Acting Styles (wI Ron Miller) prmy dedicated to my craft :) n left: Julia Williams with her shaved head for her role in "wonder of the World. u Right: Julio's hair growing back in. Track Star Races Towards Future i lAUREN MURRAY medical school for a fa!! 2011 stan. Durtng my meets' Staff Reporter year off I'll be working and gaining experience in Her running career will not StOP after this the hospital setting." season. Emily says she is planning on competing Her seasons of track and field have been en- in marathons and rrlarhlons and "possibly even Emily Peoples, girl's track and field captain, has [cyable, with her personal record set during the longer distances." Her love of the sport will keep enjoyed her time here at McDaniel. 2011 indobr track season. Peoples' ran her 5k her going, and she hopes to "continue running Along with demanding practices and meet race in 19:07 by hitting her "lap splits and rae- for as long as [she] physically can." schedules, Emily has been successful in her stud- ing aggressively." ies and plans to pursue a career in the medical Emily's favorite memories include "act- field, saying "After graduation I'll be applying to ing silly with teammates during the long day Sordo Communicates a Fond Farewell- Upcoming plans: YICHONG U "1 plan on becoming a sex therapist. I am still in the process of apply- Stoff Reporter ing to graduate schools in counseling and human sexuality in Los An- gelesandSan Francisco. n MajorfMinol": One thing _e aiuolutely ."ould kn~ .bour youl! ~Co"''''''nica,ion rn1;0,. Psychology .....ino,.n MTwothings thar make me the happiest: baths and falling asleep Capstone projects: to old school cartoons." / "Two-part study on "Effective Communication Strategies in Persuad- ing Condom Use." Basically, I compared ~ople's safe sex knowledge to their safe sex habits, then found out what were me most effective and least effective things people said or did nonverbally in order to get rheir partner to use a condom dunng sex." Favorite classes and/or prof.: "Professors; Dr. Trader, Gene Fouche, Madame Couti. Class- es: Improvisation; Sex, Safety, and Communication; Salsa Dancing [Budapest)." One cool change you'd like [0 see happen (at this college): "We were actually talking aoout [his in class the other day, and we thoughr of the school providing buses on weekend nights to Baltimore and DC for upperclassmen to enjoy the nightlife in a bigger and bet- ter city. Also, free laundryl" The thing you'd miss the most: left: Cindy enjoying a glass of wine in Italy "My friends of course, and some really awesome professors. I think I'll also miss the familiar sound of the bell ringing every 15 rnlnures," Above: Cindy on 0 bridge overlooking the Danube in Budapest Jake Friedman Ruminates on Past and Future YICHONG Ll Society, and Posrmodernism" (Differarn is an al- losophy classes with and gave me (and a few other Stoff Reporter lusion [0 this French philosopher named Jacques students who have graduated: Lin Sun 00, Fidan, Upcoming plans: Derrida) that I'm desperately desperately trying and Devon Brackbill) a lot of readings on the lib- ~Move to Phoenix, AZ with my two dose friends Major/Minor. "Eng- to make more relevant accessible. Basically, I'm eral arts second semester sophomore year when I who are dating (Matt + Dannl] because I'm nOt lish and Philosophy doing an anthropological study of hipsters (kids was really frustrated with McDaniel that helped doing a.nything else. Write mediocre poetry or (double major;-fingcrs who smoke Cigarettes and wear skinny jeans etc) me understand things berrer, and he's gOt an in- ~rose. Fmd job in community organizing or help- crossed) with a minor looking at how they represent or personify Amer- spiring moral passion for education, also turned lIlg people. Go to grad school if bored Have a in Arabic." lean culture in the 21st century. Which sounds meon to a lot of knowledge, and basically made llfe." . boujie but is really interesting. me smarter than when I came in here." Capstone projects: It's basically trying to argue that it's weird "For my English the- and difficult to makearr,beintdlectual,and pro- One cool change you'd like to see happen sis I did a really deep rest politleal syslems in this country," (at this college): structural analysis of "I'd like to see th~ campus take a renewed, pub- David Foster Wallace's Favorite classes and/or prof_: lic focus on the liberal a.ns. As opposed to, say, Infinite Jest (which is "Dr. Gregory Alles (Religious Studies}, who I had the McDaniel Swagger campaign. 1 dcc'e think like 1086 pages long a directed readings with second semester fresh- we tall<.abou1"why this whole thing matters so and monsuOUs) called ·The Ghost- man year that was really engaging and who also much. I think we would have a snonger com. writer in David Foster WaHace's Infinite Jest' rurned me on w a lot of knowledge (Weber, Dur- munity if we did, blah blah blah, I've been saying where 1 argued something !ike the narrator is kheim etc); Dr. Mary Bendel-Simso, my English this fora year." thl': kid's dead father or whatever, and then used advisor (and thesis as well), who 1 took a class that to talk about DFW's aesthetics and how he called Growing up lu America with second se- The thing you'd miss the most: was trying to get past posrmodernism, and then mester junior year and let me go ape-shit on pa- ~The potential, I think. Like I was JUSt start- a little bit on the ethics ofliterarure in the 21st pers and discussions, nOt to mention smiling pa- ing to figure our how to do cool improvemclll century. Which is rool if you read the book and tiently when 1 would talk about my thesis. rype things on campus (Bomb the Music Indus- are into wrifinglJirerature, but a lot of people Dr. Kathryn Dobson (English), who is just cry, e.g.) and how easy it really is if you have the haven'tlnen't. really smarr and runs a damned fine class (Rhe- slightesr bit of initiative,. I felt like I was building My philosophy thesis is called "It's Cool to torical Approaches to Non-Fiction); and mOStof something (a community, a home) and I'm leav- Be Differant: Contemporary Hipsters, Consumer all Dr. Peter Bradley, who I took most of my phi- ing it unfinished."
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