Page 94 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 94
_1:••lt't:'~.II._il:l:::l:ll:J:l:la",""''':::I~I[.]:1I1-","1IJ, _ Bolesta Discusses the Best and Worst of Classes NA SHULTZ Keep your eyes peeled for these amazing profes- ~!~;~18Port8r SOtSwho. really make the class incredible. ChrIS' favorite classes include history courses with Donna or Teddy Evergares, eng- Afrer four years of experience. Chis Bolesra can [ish courses with Rebert Kachur or Leory Panek certainly claim to be an expert on classes that are and rappelling with DIsh. the worst of the worst and the best of the best, "Professors like Donna Evergares, Bryn According (0 Chris, chere are twO classroom ser- • Upton, and Robert Kachur really challenged me tlngs to avoid. to actuallythink about the information westud- First are the classes where professors lecture led and to examine it from multiple perspec- for che majority of class, which he finds moncr- dyes. Ie made me actually learn information, onous and in which be has dffficulry retaining in addition to gaining a lot of insight into bow information. ocher people processed tbe same inforrnarion." The second classroom of doom is one where Among such amazing professors, Chris the professor is very disorganized in his or her named Donna Evergares as his favcrtre profes- techniques, " made me feel like if they weren't sor, "by far.~ "She's helped me out so much. taking the course seriously enough neither should Whetber Writing a paper, or JUStfor some moral I." Monkey-see. monkey-do, professors Hop, stu- support, she's made herself available for me." denrs eoo. Kudos to Donna Evergares for putting On me other hand are rhe best classes, which such a spark into Chds who will surely contin- Chris explained as having professors who are en- ue drawing upon the magic of learning for rhe gaging, intellectually challenging and encourag- rest ofbis life. ing of class discussion. Yes, rwo big thumbs up! ~O~E~,iorReedy to GradU~,!~gOf~~~f"I~,lm~o~,~~J!..t2yoY!a~!! Sioff Reporter. In one word how would you describe !earmn gcomes from class diSCUSSIonthan nom left undone with yout time here? n yoursdfi' books. "Nothing major I warned [0 do but didn't." "Different." Chrisa Veronica Philipopoulos is a unique and Has this college been everything you How do you want people to remember energetic senior who loves the Disney Channel What kinds of music and movies do you expected? you by if you were to leave tomorrow? and is always supportive of her friends. like? "This college has been great for me. Ididn't come "Al; unique, a bit odd, but kind and caring and ~I love Celine Dion, and generally, pop music in with any real expecradon, other than receiving sincere." Major: Psych I like movies that are sweet, funny or that make support, of which I received a lot (counseling, tu- Minor: French you think." rortng erc.)" How does it fed to be graduating? AIe you glad to be done with McDaniel College? What kinds of things were you involved AcademicaUy. how would you feel that you How would you rate yoW' social life? "Graduating feels JUSt right, totally normal. the at McDaniel? would rate this college? "My social life is mild, bur satisfactory for me. time is right and I'm completely ready to he done "I've attended some SASS club events and several "I feel that this college is a good learning envi- My parry life: non-existent." with school work. I will, however, come back here CCM events." ronment. One rhar promotes discussions and to visit when I can, because this is my home." Danny Hughs Offers Sage Parting Words College Advice to' Students of Pat JK2hI!~on KRYSTINA SHULTZ ing up with classes and staring at new, interesting, difficult, Sioff Reporter SloffReporler mind-blowing, and potentially death·defying classes, Danny Senior Pat Johnson is a political science suggestS, "In classes: participate. lr's your education, grab it major with an inrernational concentration by the horns." and minors in Spanish, Arabic and crcss-cul- Everyone needs some guidance Ride rhar bull! Step into the role of a classic cowboy and ruralsrudies. now and then, and Danny Hughs foHow Danny's advice to avoid getting bucked off. Incorporating all of his knowledge from has some insightrul advice for sur- "Avoid that college arrirude of nor reading and 'somebody his classes, Pat's capstone evaluares political viving McDaniel College. starting else will participate,'" he says, grasping a road block rhar hits rnorivarions for Hindu-Muslim riots in Gu- with freshmen. many students with more ardcles and chaptefli to read than jarnt, India in 2002. 50, listen up all of you fresh- they ever have in theiremire lives. "I looked at how the religious/nation- man, trying to finish our tbe last "Do what you bave m do, and encourage others to do the alistic rooTS of the party in power in the days of your firsryear. Dannycer- same,n sound advice from this wise senior about to graduate state coupled with the local political system tainly understands how difficult it fromcol1ege. to make [h~ riots worse, and how that was is to be a freshman. ~[As a fresh- As a final pia:e of advia:, Danny, who has been involved perceived ro be a polirkally expedienr ar the manl. I was always trying to.prove with student teaching, told of a speaker who came to speak dme.~ myself and define who [ was, now with the middle schoolers "about being the voice md nor the In thefurure, Pat will betakingbiscol- I undersrand that none ofrhat re- echo." lege graduated self off to work in Colorado allymaners." Inspired by the speaker, Danny said, "In a rime where our for the Summer. " He encourages everyonc to, "do campus seems m feel [be need to cyber bully and put people "After that, I hope to find work some- what you need to do, he there for down, [just would simply encourage people to be the voice. Say where. We'll see." people, and tbe res! will foHow." 'hi' to people on campus, ask people about their day, md genu- 'Wherever he end~ up, McDaniel Col- For all of the students finish- inely care about otber people. Be the voice, not me echo.~ lege wishC!;Pat "Good Luck!~ Ross Avery Reveals Details Be JACOB SIEGEL printing and laundry.~ Siaff Reporter If you would describe youse1f in one word What do you plan to do with the rest of What sorts of movies arc you interested how would you describe yourselfi' YOUl' time here~ When you 6rst came to McDaniel college jn? "This one's tough, bur I'll do it. One word you "Finish al~of my assignments to the fullest degree what were your expectations coming in? "} live and breathe Spaghetti Wcsterns. Spagheui say? Wrangler. ofperfecTlon rhat I can. I'd also like to organize a ~I thought it was going to be really hard, based on Westerns ate Italian Westerns (cowboy movies) A Wrangler is someone wbo does wh~tev- few Spagheni Western movie nighi:s. Oh, and of all the hype about college in high school. The fear The difference between American and Spaghcrri er rhey want, wheneve~ rhey want, regardless of course, tograduaTe!H tactics they used in highschool were really scary Wcsterns is huge. whar sociery deems our of bounds or inappro_ at thedme. Uke,tbisone huge, colossal test (the SpagheuiWesternsarelikerradirionalAmer- priate. However, the Wrangler always has a strict "What s~rts of clubs have you gotten in- SAT) was what determined the rCStof your life. ican WC!;terns on crack; they use wild and often code of ethics and honor. Essentially, tbeWran_ volved In when you've been at McDaniel So I guess you could say when [ gm to col- wacky camera work and color effecTS,md the ac- gier lives by their own rules. coUege? lege and [ realized I could sleep in until 10 Of II tors all do (hese crazy stunts (like falling off of a Now obviously I'm not a full·on Wrangler 'T ~ the Tre:rsurer of the McDaniel Libertarian a.m., jt was definitely a pleasanrsurprise. H building or out of a rree). And [be violence! The JUSTyer, but I'm workin' on it. Currendy I still S oClery.That s about it." violence is ridiculous. Lots and lors and lots of vi- have to answer to a few people (my professors, all How have you found the social life at Mc- olence. My favorite character is Sartana. He was of which I have nothing but respect and admira_ ~:~ do you want students to remember Daniel college~ modeled after James Bond." tion for), which kind of contradicts the way of the ~The social life defi.nitely gOt beHer, due to the Wrangler, Bur one glorious day..." "The dude with the pancho." free game room (1he Ret Lounge), because before "What kind of music do you like to listen that existed. there really wasn'ra placesped!lcally to? How would you reRect on yout time for hanging out. A lor of new srudenrs might n01: ~My favorite arrists are rhe ones who creared the here? ~:d::? have any advice to McDaniel know thai before this year, nothing in the game soundtradrsforSpaghertiWes!erns,and myra· "I see myself as Pac Man. Pac Man just keeps eat- room was free. vodte is Vasco & Mancuso. Yomube "Sono Sar- ing[he dots and avoids being eaten by preciators, :~~:~;':~~e~~:~'y close friends, but don't be cv- Nextsrepsinmyopinionshouldbefreecolor tana Jl Vostro Becchino" to get a Taste," and I'm ju.~tdoin' the same thang."
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