Page 96 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 96
"'1'.'J.~'~~I_il:~:::I:I~:~:::I.1."''':::I~I[.]:.I.1.''IJ _ LISA VASAPOlLO Staff Reportef lindsey Plevyok AMANDASMID Stoff Reporler Have you gotten a job yet~ "Yes. Wedding Photographer." MajorlMinor: in,..u the Co04 _t.bHoolunont. on c........ Studio An & Psychology Double Major What Caitl.. w:tli rm.. m_t "-.bout McDameiu. the ,e'onununlty. eh .. "- pot ...... _hAt any ..... eJ..,. .~, the frj )Wre h ..... botCon>.. heo' t..nUy Favorite class/professor: and oe daean't Iln.........h_. ..... .......tth t-th1tYn today. "Digital Photography/ Susan Bloom" A change you enjoyed seeing on campus OR a change you would like to see on campus: "Clar. More change like mat needs to happen!" LISA VASAPOllO Stoff Reporter LISA VA5APOlLO Staff Reporter ./Ql1lef MAsms Oil PHDfROM 'IIAD SCHDDL Christina Paluskievicz Lauren Wildason AMANDASMIO communriy rhar I am leaving behind. PhiMu KAITlYN VADENAIS "I wouldn't know the same people. I probably Staff Reporter has become such an integral part of my college Staff Reporter wouldn't have gotten such a grear educaeionH I experience. Nor being went to a bigger school r also wouldn't have been back with everyone in the fall will bea very dlf- able to play softball." Major/Minor: ficulradjusrment. Major: EPE "I am a double major in biology and psychology" Have you gotten a job yet?: Minors: Education and Sports Coaching "I will be working at my summer internship for Favorite class/professoer the next year while Iwait on medical school apĀ· Where do you see yourself in 5 years? "There's a definite tie belWeen Dr. Paquin and Dr. plicarions (0 b~processed." "Hopefully teaching PE. ! hope ro have a Masters Mazeroff for my favorite professors on campus. or dose TO .having one. Possibly married bur prob- Dr. Paquin is very very rough, bur by being ably no kids yer." rhis way she makes sure that you are actually learning something meaningful! Dr. Mal.eroff VVhat are you going to miss most about has been such a constant support C11Ierthe past McDaniel? .
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