Page 89 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 89
T Saying Goodbye to Seniors in the Newsroom LAUREN MURRAY will not miss "awful parking situation. Ediror-in-Chief Klm'williams hasa It is this type of attitude that the SlaffReporter drunkenness, hearing racial slurs being summer job lined up, but is still 'figur- Free Press will miss. Each senior is leav- Thrown around, a lack of vegetarian op- ing our life plans." ing their own legacy at McDaniel Col- dons for food, (he focus on athletics Williams has dedicated four years lege, sl"lCcificallyin rhe hearts and minds Thedassof2011 willbegrearJymissed over academics. M to working with the Free Press, moving of the Free Press staff. by all of those who write and read rhe Manysrudenrsareexcitedforrheir h",rwayupfromsraffreponertoeditor- McDaniel Free Press. Each student summer plans. Sruan Fischer, copyedi- in-chief. has contributed so much to the paper tor, is looking forward [0 going to Bon- "l believe Red Blfll, rant sessions, throughout his or her years on [he aroc lhis summer and also "delighting extensive ro-do-ltsts, loud music and Hill. in the facr that I'm literally never going good friends can get you through almost The Free Press will be saying good- to wrircanother essay," anything," she says, great advice for any byctothegraduatingstudcnrswhoplan Others, however, are embracing college student trying to balance every- on pursuing their dreams and changing their education and continuing on past thing thar lifco!l the Hill brings. the world after their Mcfjaniel career. McDanieL Senior Omar Brown has worked Everyone has had their good and "When fall rolls around [wil[ with the Free Press as a seaff repon- bad experiences on the Hill, making embark on my journey through IQW er and a photographer. Always present theiryears'spenton cnrnpus unique school," said Brunner. "It will be a chal- at events on campus with his camera, Co-sports editor Nick Brunner, [enging few years but I know it will be Brown says that something he will re- speaking about the things (hat he will wonh it." ally miss is "getting wireless intem~r on miss abour McDaniel, said "If I had to Makhlyagina has ambitious plans my laptop sltung in a tree nurslde the pick JUSt one thing, it would have to be, as well. This summer she is working library." hands down, all the wonderful people [0 ellpand the "GLSEN chapter (Gay He loves making others fed in- with whom Ihave been blessed [Q spend Lesbian Srraight Education Nerwork), vclved on campus with his photos, but four great years with." [begin] to examine grants to potentially he wants everyone to know rhar "! have Although most of her experiences establish a non-profit community cen- 122 locs on my head, [ have names for ABOVE: Omor Brown drumming on the Hill have been enjoyable, Masha rer," and most importantly will "finally each and every one of them, and only in Red Square. Makhlyagina, writerof"Sex on the Hill, [bel geretng slcep." halfofrhissenrence is rrue!" McDaniel Makes Memories Ben Andres ELECTRAINOR "I will miss the people I me! here, ing classes there to receive my teaching GREGORY NOLEN Sioff Reporter football, my Fratemiry, and Arable class- certificate for secondary education," Staff Reporter es wirh Carol Zaru," says Nick Bender. Further education also awaits Brun- ~My best McDaniel memory is wlrh my ner, but ncr until after some well de- Four seniors look back at their time at Fraternity. Especially my en~re sopho- served rest and relaxation. HI pl;ln to Major/Minor: Philosophy and History Double Major McDaniel, as well a~look ahead to what more year while we were aU living to- thoroughly enjoy my summer, s~nd. is to come after graduarlon. gether on the Phi Ddt floor in ANW'. ing a lot of time at the beach. fishing, Capstone project: "What won't J miss about McDan- We had the common room of our suite hanging OUtwith my frknds, and traV- "Philosophy- an intellectual history and analysiS of the justification ofstatc: iel?Hasked Senior Nick Brunner'as he hookedupwichabigscreenTV,Christ- eling,H Brunner says. "When fall rolls authority. History- what the [etters of Cicero reveal about'Julius Caesar reminisced about his time here on ''The ma.o; lights. posrers and super smash bros around, if all goes well, I will embark and the Roman Revolution" Hill." "Sleeping in beforedass,playing on N64. lhosc w.:re some great times." on my journey Lhrough law s.chooL~ ball with the guys, goofing off in Rou- And though many friendships and Another rome is joining the mili- Favorite classes/professors: "My favorite professors were Dr. Upton in ·ur,Gl.aromeletsonrheeariyweek.end memories established here :I.tMcDaniel tary, as Bender is expecting to do fol- [he history department and Dr. B~dley in philosophy. afternoons, sneaking OUt to play nine are likely [0 remain str~mg, many seniors lowing graduation. "[ plan on entering I enjoyed all of their classes, particularly vs. Left, The 1960s, Crid- before it gets dark, the list goes on and have cheir sights secon the future, ready the Marines Corps as an Officer after I cal Thinking. and An- __go." to start a new chapter of their lives. graduate," says Bender-. ~rchy, Authoriry, and For many McD:miel seniors, this For some such as Thomas, [he job Before leaving McDaniel, [h""" Auronomy." will be the final semester here at col- world awaits, getting accepted into in- seniors want those underclassmen lege, and like Brunner, there will be rernships across the nation. ''I'm going throughout the years to never miss OUt What he'll miss much missed ahour their time here in fa intern as an assistant strength and on some of the greatest things this co[- most: Westminster. It's much more than JUSt conditioning coach at a Nike Sparq lege offers. ~McDaniei students should '"I will miss being in col- the breakfast, and rhe golf course. More training center in Massachu~tts for not miss out on Glarsining," Says Fultz. lege and the friends and importantly, it's the people they have the summer,n says Thomas. "Then I'm "Some great rimes involve sitting with freedom that go along met, and the friendships that they have going back home to coach high school my friends for an hour or rwO;l:ta time withfhar. H established that will remain with them football, and then I'll be leaving again in Glar just talking about everything.~ for the rest of their lives. neK[ spring to make the career move "Having experienced it hoth as a Plans for after "(Iwillmiss)thefriendsthat[have from personal training to strength and player and a spectator, there's just some- graduuiom developed, the adventures I've had here conditioning." thing about Saturcb.y's in the fall;lt Bair "I have nOt yet round in my four years, and my ex~riences Skyler Fu[n also wi!! be looking to Sradiup1," 5
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