Page 57 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 57
COMMENTARY NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Page 11 Stop, look and really listen to those rumors the same- infor- to such an tions have two levels: the con- )EN HARRINGTON mation can extent across tent or topic of the conversa- STAFF WRITER lead to misun- campus? We tion, and a relational level, In one my favorite episodes derstanding know that which can be established of "Friends," Ross and Rachel and miscom- people love through cues such as tone of have an argument about their munication, to talk, but voice and body language. relationship and decide to basically miss- this seems to Conversations that are writ- take a break. They separate for ing every- be only one ten-such as e-mail, AIM, and the night, and Ross, thinking thing. part of the text messaging--narrow our that a break means the rela- This seems explanation. focus to the content of the con- tionship is, over, sleeps with to be the theme on campus display photographs of stu- While thinking about this, I versation, with the exception the Xerox girl. Rachel needed recently; the last issue of the dents watching sports games, did what every college stu- of the occasional smiley; mak- a short break only to reevalu- paper addressed several walking across campus, even dent does best - T Coogle-ed it. ing it easy to misunderstand. ate their relationship, and rumors that upset the student playing Frisbee, all while Whatl found completely sur- Of course, misinterpreta- wants to get back together body. Most significant were holding bright red Solo cups. prised me: researchers believe tion is not the only factor for with Ross the next morning. the rumors surrounding Dean Dean Gerl was only part of "that up to 95% of our commu- generating rumors. The next morning, both Ross Gerl and new campus rules. the recent rumors. Rumors rucation-specifically what we Sometimes the situation is not and Rachel are shocked at Students were furious to learn and false information also learn and take from other con- accurately handled or what the other really meant. that Gerl was supposedly can- spread quickly across campus versattons-ds nonverbal. If explained, or our personal This demonstrates two celing Spring Fling, wall par- concerning Phi Sigma Sigma's this statistic is right, no won- involvement or opinion taints things: that one simple phrase ties and social life as we know alleged violation of their der miscommunication is so our perspective. can have completely different it on campus, and the rumors pledging process. easy. So what happened in the meanings to different people, grew from there. 1heard from It's the adult version of tele- Professor [asna Meyer, who last few weeks at McDaniel, and that I have a very sick a friend of a friend that phone. As kids, it was funny teaches Interpersonal an answer to fall back on? We obsession with this sitcom. because bottles and cans were to see just how much the sen- Communication at McDaniel were on a break. Different interpretations of not permitted, even water had tence could change by the end College, agrees with the statis- to be put in plastic cups. of the game. it's not always as tic, explaining that we find "so If this was true, McDaniel funny now as adults. In its much meaning from what is College's brochure for next innocence, the game demon- left unsaid." year's applicants could high- strates the tie between mis- While we don't necessarily light our high standards and communication and rumors. think of conversation this way, great campus image. It could How does one story spread Meyer said that all inte~ac- FREE PRESS STAFF 'Charger' changes minds Co-Bdlters-In-Chief Kathryn "Funkmaster" Staff constant rounds around cam- Campus Safety. BOYNTON Young 'OS Terre Martin CHRISTINE WRlTER pus. r wondered: how many Now, not only had campus STAFF Mike "Habegger" '08 Pat O'Toole '07 cars were normal for a cam- .safety prevented my avoiding Ken "Buerger '09 Like most of you, when I pus safety department to have homework the night before, .. Art Director Rachel Brownlee '10 first saw the flashy new on a college campus our size? they had now thwarted my Dawn Aldrich '10 Emily Biondo 'OQ Campus Safety Dodge. When I went to speak with tough angles. Geoff Peckham lOS Charger, I grumbled, "So operations manager Marlon So, in fact Ihad been seeing Features Editor. Lindsay Graham '07 that's where our tuition "Chris" Collins at Campus the same cars making constant Alyse Hollomon '08 Heather Gorsuch money is going." Safety the next day, it was rounds around campus. As Cori Simpson '08 Taylor Hebden '08 When a fellow student who with my room keys in my Collins said, "We run our Melanie Chupein '09 garnered an escort in the new pocket and a more liberal vehicles 24 hours a day, seven News Editor Lauren Laker'10 car across campus one night mindset, but still with some days a week. There is no rest." David P. Crelsman '07 Rachel Hooper '10 reported that she thought she tough questions. r wanted to One hundred and sixty fen Harrington '07 may have seen a CPS system, know how many cars we had, acres on its own is no small Commentary Editor Jess Bello'lO I rolled my eyes and made a how much the vehicles cost, area, but it is no College Park. Sarah Black '07 Brian Engler '08 sarcastic comment involving and where that money was However, when our campus is Kristin Lamb '09 the 160-acre campus and the coming from. patrolled constantly, that 160 Sports Editor Tyler Carr availability of maps on our It turns out that our depart- acres can quickly become Ryan Chell '09 Shannon Willis school web site. ment has a total of three cars. 100,000 miles and an over- Laura Hutton '09 Rob Goeke 'Q7 The night before my dead- One--an old Jeep Cherokee worked Jeep Cherokee. Ashleigh Smith line for this commentary, I with over 100,000 miles--Is on Hard to appreciate at first, Becky Snider was mulling over how to its last stand and will be this new acquisition is not an Page Design Emily Biondo ;09 Christine Boynton '08 approach the topic (a phrase retained as a backup. The oth- unnecessary indulgence but Beth Mclane '07 Stacey Eyler '0$ which here can be translated ers are a two-year old Dodge just may be an essential con- Kristen Bender MJ Alexander '09 to: procrastinating). J pulled Durango, and the latest acqui- tribution to our campus. It's a Ellery wynn my door shut behind rrre and sition, the Dodge Charger. vehicle that can "endure the Kiki Stellelds '10 realized that the door handle Ok, well three wasn't a Photography/illustrations Rachel Sanchez wear and tear of a department Evan Ticknor '10 jerma Schwarz '07 was locked and the keys were large number, but did they that runs 24 hours a day, seven MJ Alexander '09 sitting on top of that pile of know that for the price of a days a week," Collins said. It M;ke Habegger 'OS Advertising Manager homework 1had yet to start. new Dodge Charger they will aid our department in My roommate, at Johns Emily Biondo '09 Emily Funk '07 Hopkins, would not be there could purchase 50 street lights providing medical transports, !.ight Pennsylvania to save me from my memory to possibly on-campus rides, and yes, Ave or Whiteford parking lot? Int11'age Editor Copy Editor occasionally ruining good Djerdj Matkcvic '07 Pat O'Toole '07 deficit as usual. Though I I wanted to know. procrastination. wasn't eager to be rescued by Even before I could ask, I David P. Grelsman '07 the very vehicle Iwas about to was told that the car is used. Web Editor Beth Mcl.ene, '07 bash or to get back into my Not only is it used, but bought The opinions eXpressed do not necessarily represent those of The room to start writing that arti- for a deal through a trustee at McDaniel free Press staff, the faculty, or the administrators of cle, I had to call Campus Heritage Dodge in McOaniel College. Safety. I was grudgingly very Westminster. Bought for The paper welcomes free-lance sent the trrepress@roc4aniel edu. grateful when an SUV pulled $1,300 less than their allotted ~e editors reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and up a few minutes later. budget. to publish as space permits. Please include a name and p~one .num- Back in my room, as 1stared Ok, onto the next question: ber for verification. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of at my computer screen in an Was it normal for college cam- the Editors-in-Chief. The McDaniel Free Press does not discrimirulte based on age, race, attempt at progress, I realized puses of our size to have three Got News? religion, gender, sexual orientation; national origin,_,condition of that Ihad no idea whether the cars? handicap, or marital status. department had fewer cars Turns out that McDaniel's Email: Mail to: than we students have good total comes out at exactly the "' The McDanielFree Press residence halls, or more cars average number of campus or McDaniel College, 2 CollegeHill than the campus has squirrels. safety vehicles for campuses Westminster,.MD21157 I didn't know if they had a our size, according to a survey keyOOl@mcdaNeLedu (410) 7,1-8600 FAX, (410) 857ยท272" whole fleet, or if I had been conducted a year or two ago E-Mail: passing the same car making by Mike Webster, director of
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