Page 56 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Pege 10 COMMENTARY Artificial sweetener has painful side effects of a vigorous public contro- 10 percent of all migraine alone. If you are like me and KATHRYN YOUNG versy. patients. amount of sugar in the diet, CO-EDITOR IN CHIEF many others, you can either which can be a good thing," Foods and beverages sweet- "I have heard of some indi- deal with the chronic You can't walk into a store ened with aspartame can help viduals having problems with headaches or just drink a big McCole said. "But I wonder or buy a stick of gum without consumers lose weight. But aspartame before. Yearsago I glass of "zero calorie" H 0. whether some people that use 2 them develop more of a taste being offered a dose of aspar- does the Joss of weight "out- had a family member that had "[Artificial sweeteners] do for sweet things and thus take tame. Restaurant sweetener weigh" the chance of chronic to give it up because it was have a role in nutrition; they holders are filled with the migraines or worse? causing problems," said Dr. in extra sugar in other foods to satisfy that taste." white packets that obviously Aspartame has been the Steve D. McCole, associate can certainly help reduce the contain the fattening real subject of much public contro- professor of exercise science sugar and sit alongside the versy regarding its safety and and physical education at pink and blue packets of the circumstances around its McDaniel College. "Sweet and Low" and approval. Some studies have According to the seventh "Equal," all of which contain even recommended investiga- edition of Perspectives ill aspartame. tion into connections between Nutrition, complaints have It's not always obvious that aspartame and diseases such been filed to the FDA by peo- a product contains aspartame. as brain tumors, brain lesions ple claiming that that they had r am one of many who drank and lymphoma. adverse reactions to aspar- Diet Coke like water and Although many consumers tame. These reactions consist- chewed sugarless Orbit with- have reported symptoms ed of headaches, dizziness, out even realizing that my associated with aspartame, seizures, and nausea. constant headaches could be a aspartame proponents insist Perspectives says, "It is impor- form of an allergic reaction that, even in large amounts,' tant for people who are sensi- from their leading ingredient, aspartame is safe and not tive to aspartame to avoid it," aspartame. associated with adverse the textbook said. Aspartame is an artificial health effects. It may not be lust as some people may non-carbohydrate sweetener. scientifically proven that develop hives from eating' It is marketed under a number aspartame causes brain can- peanuts, people can develop of trademark names, such as cer, but according to Dr. Mary migraines from consuming Equal, and is used in approxi- D. Eades' The Doctor's aspartame. If you do develop mately'6,OOOconsumer foods migraines after drinking or and beverages. Nonetheless, eating aspartame-sweetened aspartame has been' a subject foods, you're definitely not fsENIORClnaNiEUoYS a newspaper, as I UNDEIU2IWRCU'I'S such, is open to stu- dent participation. I $11.00 If you like to write, have story ideas, or L ~~ ___ ll..m!f1_~":=""~ a a..y like to take pic- tures, come out t r-- ......----- ... the meetings held I MEN'S every Monday a HAIRCUTS 7:30 in the Writi I Center. Any com I $1~200 REa ments, questions, I • $13.00 or reactions con- 1 ~JI~ cerning the content L_: _ ..._ ....~_ ... and information r...· --- ............·,... disseminated by this paper can be I LADIES HAIRCUT sent to I a taLOWDRY freepress@mcd- CoIJege Square Shopping Center This is 444 WMC Drive • Westminster : $18.00 not filler, the author I simply finds this 41Q.857.os20 t........__ '= :,..: funny. If you have a problem with his 41Q.857-0898 r..-- --- --.. humor, the author (Next to Safeway) PERM SALE apologizes. However, you will Re/$letIIIown Shcpp/IIg Center $50.00 4f~ also notice, that the gray area reserved for B.S. has been £iJled.Pn s.
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