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/ NOVEMBER 2, 2006 ~Page 8 CENTERSPREAD NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Page 9 EPE classes offered in the upcoming semesters Finding your center For the upcoming Spring and Dance, Country Line Archery, Yoga Core, weight Do is all about." Semester there are over 70 Dancing, Hip-Hop Training, Jogging, Pilates, Elise Clark, who is look- toffee: your frothy best friend L]~N NJEL~ EPE courses being offered Dance. Fitness Walking, Tennis, illg forward to taking srAFF WRITER here at McDaniel College. Some of the water sports Bowling, and Skiing. Pilates in the spring semes- There are a variety of water being offered include: Water There are EPE courses ter, says she wants to take The website explains that cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson's b sports, several dance class- Aerobics, Water Jogging, being offered for Jan Term the class "because it will CORI $IMl'SON in addition to providing antioxidants to an Incredible eighty percent. es, sports and even sport Scuba Diving, Life as well, Hap Ki Do being a tone my body and it's a FllA,T()RES EDITOR drinkers, coffee has' also been shown to Concrete evidence of this claim W3_ law. Guarding, and Fishing in popular choice. Sophomore form of exercise I know I Carrie Smith is one of the many improve moods, and stop headaches. found ina Scranton professor's research If students are interested Maryland. Jim Dyson said, "It really would enjoy." cDnniel College students who visits the Even the compound in coffee that makes Joe A. Vinson, chemistry professor. foun in dance, they can take Jazz Other EPE classes being was a fun class; it gives you Happy (and healthy) reg- Budapest Cafe regularly to cool her coffee it smell so good is accredited to reducing that after giving hamsters coffee, the o)(i~ Dance, Creative Rhythms offered are Hap Ki Do, a good taste of what Hap Ki istration! cravings. Carrie started drinking coffee cavities. dation process was reduced by about around the age of 19 despite the warnings Brunilda Nazario, MD, and WebMD's thirty percent. Fighting the big bulge on campus of its negative effects. Sr. Medical Editor says, "They still don't sugar packed mocha lattes with whipped - Moderation is essential, especially for Carrie admits that "the claim that cof- know what derivative in caffeine or cof- fee can stain your teeth used to tum me these drinks can quickly add up and that's why no one is really recommend- away from drinking it, but then I gave it fee reduces your risk of disease and again cream. WebMD explains that calories in calorie diet (Jacobson and College Park, she reflected on such as Heart Disease, ADRIAN PETTAWAY Hurley 353). her first tour of McDaniel Hypertension, Type-2 a chance and found that it had really ing it for disease prevention." counteract coffee's benefits. srAFF WRITER good effects." The University of Scranton in The addictive nature of the drink is a Unlike breakfast, lunch and College. "I loved ... the small Diabetes Mellitus, and various Obesity is becoming one the dinner vary from day to day; and quiet campus. Iremember digestive and kidney diseases. It's hard to come to a personal consen- Pennsylvania has found that, although it whole other argument to investigate, but largest health epidemics to GLAR will consistently offer that dining hall. Me and my Obesity also encourages the sus about the nature of coffee due to con- does not have as many antioxidants as if you are concerned, your dependency tradictory claims in the news. It seems teas or wines, coffee is so popular among can be measured through careful obser- flood western society. hamburgers, chicken patties, mom looked hard, but there deterioration of the knee carti- like researchers are always changing their Americans (Starbucks sales vation of your next visit to the nearest statistics Americans are becoming less french-fries, pizza and a vast was nothing good. The pizza I lage, thus causing joint prob- minds about whether coffee has more speak for themselves) it is our number cafe. and less physically active. variety of tempting sweet saw was like floating in lems. one source of antioxidants from food. Dr. Julia Jasken of the English depart- Parents are also preparing desserts, all of which are grease. It was gross!" In addition to physical com- negative effects or more positive ones. Robin Brett Parnes (MS, MPH) ment describes the true coffee addict's A McDaniel College chemistry profes- fewer meals and are scram- loaded with trans-fatty acids, According to Brathwaite, plication, obesity affects and describes antioxidants as, "substances ability to subconsciously demystify the bling to get their families out saturated fats and cholesterol, GLAR is no where near as individual socially. The typi- sor notes that all studies reveal controver- that are capable of counter acting the process though which the beverage is sial data, "One study will tout the bene- to local fast food restaurants substances our bodies can do good, as the cafeteria at cal overweight student, for fits and the next will knack them down. damaging, but normal effects of the phys- ordered. for a quick meal more often. without. GLAR also offers an University of Maryland. ,lOur example, suffers from low self Personally, I hope they are correct in that iological process of oxidation in animal She says, "I think that I realized I was As a result, countless children assortment of soft drinks, cafeteria is so huge .... We have esteem. This low self-Image tissue. Antioxidants are nutrients (vita- an addict when I truly internalized the' and adolescents make poor filled with high-fructose com a section in the cafeteria called can encourage the develop- it helps protect against heart disease, but mins and minerals) as well as enzymes syntax of a coffee order. You must start food choices and end up pack- syrup and emptY calories. Sprout (the healthy alternative ment of eating disorders such Iwould not start drinking coffee for only with the size ("taU"), then the type of ing on the pounds, setting the When asked if GLAR section) ... .It has a bunch of as Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia that 'reason." (proteins in your body that assist in stage for future health compli- offered an adequate variety of low-carbohydrate alterna- Nervosa, and Binge Eating. In So what is the most recent verdict? Is chemical reactions}." milk ("skinny"), then the type of drink Okay, so what? Why worry about cations in their adult years. healthy alternatives to the tives, vegetarian meals, and _rare cases obesity, can bring coffee harmful or healthful? replenishing antioxidants if the damag- (vlatte"), then any additions you want to make ("with ashotofhazelnutsyrup").lf Englar Dining Hall and the standard pizza, hamburger, even healthy pizza," she said. about ridicule and an individ- The avid coffee drinker wilJ be pleased Pub, both located in Decker and french-fries, General When students get tired of, ual being ostracized by his or to read about researcher's most recent ing effects of oxidation are normal? you stumble on the syntax, even momen- College Center, are McDaniel Manager Cameron Smith or just do not feel like going to her peers. Thus, McDaniel determinations. Crab the nearest Cup of Well, Parnes explains, "They [antioxi- tarily, you peg you.rself as a coffee neo- College student's main access responded; " [We offer] the GLAR, they flee to the Pub. College's distribution of Joe, cozy up, and enjoy the sensuous dants] are believed to playa role in pre- phyte. Plus the drink never turns out as to food. However, a diet pri- International Station, which Unlike GLAR, the Pub offers unhealthy foods will continue aroma. Coffee can be your friend. venting the development of such chronic good." (And she thought she'd have Fast food gets scary ma.rily consisting of salty, Serves tossed salads .... We also more .on-the-go entrees: to harm students, ulti- An astounding 19,000 studies over the diseases as cancer, heart disease, stroke, nothing interesting to say.) Whatever yom personal opinion of sweet, over-processed, fat-sat- offer healthy vegetarian. cheeseburgers, chicken ten- mately assisting to years have analyzed Alzheimer's disease, Rheumatoid arthri- coffee may be, research has gone to show orated foods will gradually entrees to accommodate stu- ders, mozzarella sticks, hot the growth of the effects of cof- tis and cataracts." - A grande (16 fl. oz.) White Chocolate In addition, WebMD claims that two take a toll on a student's dents." dogs, and french-fries, all of obesity as fee, according that if you're drinking it in moderation, STACEY EYLER Frappucino blended creme-whip at physique, self-esteem, -and However;-the average stu- which are smothered in fat; an epi- t 0 cups of coffee a day has been found to cut there is no aEparel}.t reason to stop, and if STAFF WRITER Starbucks is filled with 610 calories. health. McDaniel College's dent will not just eat a salad consuming these are known to demic. Hie threats of colon cancer by twenty-five you aren't drinking it, there are a number Ever think about what exactly it is of reasons for you to start. percent, gallstones by fifty percent, and Dining Service contributes to for dinner, unless they are on a lead to health problems. you are eating at a fast food restau- - A grande nonfat hot chocolate-whip this growing countrywide starvation diet. A salad, being Wrestler Courtney In the long run, it's not about the pound-packing or the rant? Or about the number of calories holds 360 calories while a grande health epidemic. predominantly composed of Nightingale describes the Pub that in some of your favorite whole hot chocolate-whip has 450 drinks at Starbucks? Englar Dining Hall, affec- water, will not sustain an indi- as simply, "crap." calorie-counting+it's about making and maintaining calories. If not, then you are not alone. tionately known as GLAR, is vidual. Also, as the week goes "The Pub is horrible .... It healthy lifestyle choices, The Free Press delves into the Whether you are on-the-go and need a the primary provider of food on, the average consumer offers crappy food which has Aside from high caloric values in on McDaniel's campus. This eventually grows tired of the been ruining my cutting hits and misses of health and nutrition. quick bite to eat or you just need a caf- food and drinks, another thing to feine fix to get started in the morning, 4.8 million dollar operation same browning lettuce and phase. The only thing I can eat (JlAPHICD£SIGNBYllMILY61ONDO most people tend not to think about watch out for in many food and drink products are trans fats. In recent serves an average of 1,257 stu- vegetables. from there is the Mesquite the products they are ingesting. years, there has been evidence that the dents ~ day (Smith). Yet'what Furthermore, there are only chicken sandwich, and that Here are a few nutritional facts you consumption of trans fats can con- is served in GLAR fails to be a small percentage o(students gets old pretty quickly." may not have known about some of tribute to coronary heart disease, also remotely near nutritious. For who would dart' consume the. Because he is a wrestler, he the most well-known fast food indus- known as CHO. More than 12.5 mil- example, the standard break- dry veggie burgers. Though must maintain a certain tries out there today: lion Americans are affected by CHD, fast consists of bacon and/or meatless, the, greasy grilled weight in order to participate and more than 500,000 people are sus- sausage (soaked in grease), cheese sandwich is not quite h in matches. Thus, the Pub is - A McDbnald's hamburger (3.7 oz. ceptible to death from the disease; it is scrambled eggs, tried hash "healthy" choice, containing not the best place to get away serving size) has 260 calories while a becoming known as one of the leading browns, waffles and butter approximately 510 calories from "GLAR-Poop", cheeseburger (4.2 oz.) has 310 calories. causes of death in-the United States drenched grits. In addition, and 33 grclms of tat (Jacobson Courtney's label for the food The Quarter Pounder (6.1 oz.) con- today. they offer a variety of sugar- and Hurley 91). offered in Engler Dining tains 420 calories while the Quarter Heart disease is not the only the packed muffins and donuts. Jacobson and Hurley sald, Hall. Pounder with cheese (7 oz.) con- health issue out there today. Recently, According to Restaumnt "Nearly 90 percent of your According to Jacobson COllfidentia/: this average meal day's quota ot Saturated fat and Hurley, obesity is tains 510 calories. two studies were conducted to observe weight gain among college contributes 57 grams of fat sits ill the- gooey, golden when and individual is 20 - A chocolate Triple Thick Shake al shldents; one study was done a1:a pri- and 1,200 calories to one't; square." During.a phone percent ' overweight. McDonald's can range between 440 vate school in the Northeast, and the diet; this is over half of the interview with Adrienne Obesity can negatively calories (12 fl. oz.) and 1,160 calories other was completed at a public uni- Federal Dietary As~ociation Brathwaite, a fn.\~hman at the affect il person by promot- (32 fl. oz.). The strawberry and versity in the Midwest. Both studies (FDA) recommended 2,000 University'" of Maryland· ing health complication vanilla Triple Thick Shakes can hold found t11at college students gained anywhere weight during both their fresh- between 420 men and sophomore years calories (12 fl. instead of losing weight. The 1. fresh fruit and vegetables oz.) and 1,110 ,suspected culprits of this weight have increased calories (32 fl. gain: students 2. grilled chicken oz.). access to large quantities of food and engage in less physical activw - According to ity. However, researchers say that 3. roast turkey in .the deli line McDonald's they still do not have a definite nutritional chart, reason as to why incr~asing num- of students bers gain 4. tuna and egg salad the throughout their first two years at weight co!!ege. . 5. tofu For more nutritional informa- tion, go to Or .
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