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FEATURES MAY 4, 2007 - Page 7 Dateline: September 14, 2006 Coley's Secret Wedding Revealed The Free Press reveals that President Joan Devlin Coley secretly wed husband Lee Rice. The couple had no one in attendance, except a picture of John Wayne. Coley and Rice didn't exchange rings, but they did have a three day honeymoon. Dateline: October 12, 2006 Rumors Fly, New Dean Catches the Heat The New Vice President and Dean of student Affairs, Beth Cerl, smashes rumors of McDaniel becoming a dry campus, Greek free, and adding a point system for Campus Safety officers for writing students up. A protest, supporting a "wet" cam- pus, almost broke out due to the rumors that started flying when Chi Delta Upsilon's annual party was called off by Cerl. Dateline: November 2, 2006 Ghost.Stories Connect Campus Conununity Apparently McDaniel is quite haunted. There are ghosts in Whiteford, Blderoice, and ghosts from the civil war. According to a college historian, however, none of the sto- --~~~~~~--~~~~~------ ries of the ghosts' deaths are true. Instead Robert Kachur, who teaches a course on horror fiction, suggests that the stories might represent anxiety about the past. Dateline: December 11, 2007 SigEps Lose Charter Due to falling below minimum CPA, member, and financial requirements, Sigma Phi Epsilon loses their charter. Director of Chapter Services, Chris McCaw, said "Closing a chapter is always the last option we consider." SigEp member Chris DeRose __ J~~~~~~~~!!!!!~!L..------~a~,g~U~e~d'~"~ln~f::Ou:::'iy:ears, Ihad never seen the Frat take the reins like now." Dateline: ary 8, 2 Coach Flynn Remembered, Missed McDaniel men's basketball coach passed away, at 49, on January 12 due to a heart attack. McDaniel defeated Gettysburg in their first game without their illustrious coach. Players wore Flynn's Friends r-shirts, to honor their coach. Those who played for Coach Flynn, like Camara Kadete, remember him as_'_"T_h_e_b_es~t::,CO_":-Ch_I_e_ve_,_h_ad::-.'::,'-::~:::' __ ..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;... _ Dateline: February 23, 2007 Ice Oean Up Worst in Twenty Years During February, McDaniel was smashed by a huge snow storm. Crews of 25 to 30 worked ]0-12 hours a day to get the ice and snow off streets and walk ways. The real --~~~~~------------ problem was that sleet fell on top of the snow, which was followed by rain. 8, 2007 Dateline: March J !~~~~n~~~~:~~~~~~~d~~~:em~,e damage this M' year. Residents were gathered to talk about the ~amages .and the eventual pa.yment ~it!~e ~\-- G \.'\'\'\<' l.,,\~.h ~ for the damages. The building's second floor residents will have to pay heaviest, .... ....t>->' -::: $3,594.40 split between the 55 residents. -:"_":":'-=-""::"::'::'=- __ ...!~=~;5:o!i:.;;;;; ......:;....iiiii:i;;_ _ Dateline: Apri 1.1, 2007 Lawsuit Filed Over Lawnmower Noise In the April fools issue of the Free Press, Djerdj Matkovic decided to write an article on how the Amercen Civil Liberties Union was complaining about lawnmower nois- es. He quoted Mike Habegger, editor of the Free Press, for the entire article. Apparently a "large" landscaper was looking for the editors of the paper to cause some ruckus. Happy April Fools.
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