Page 168 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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MAY 4, 2()()7- Page 6 FEATURES Jewish Student Union gains new leadership senior Rachel Siegel to become enced by the Jewish students the club and organizing "I have found that people MELANIE CHUPEIN the adviser for JSU, is in at her college because they events like a Passover Seder who are Jewish are afraid to NEWS EDITOR charge of advising its presi- taught her about her faith. She that "worked our beautifully" say they are Jewish," said Just six or seven years ago dent and leadership about believes that the JSU offers a "I wanted to start the group Lubell. "[Admissions] need to the Jewish Student Union at projects JSU wants to do. "taste of a different culture" because I had grown up advertise 'that we just g~t a McDaniel was a thriving Oppel says the JSU is impor- and she adds, "Going to some among many other Jews and JSU house and that we are an organization, "at its best in tant because it provides cultural events is such an coming to McDaniel was a big actual presence here not terms of membership, partici- Jewish students with "the opportunity to learn about a culture shock. I wanted to be just a side note." pation, and productivity," right to be part of a group and culture unlike your own." able to meet and talk with stu- Sophomore Danielle according to Zephia Bryant, educate others to understand. Carpenter observes that dents who came from a simi- Azoulay has been a member director of Multicultural We're not going to advance as there aren't many Jewish stu- lar background, as Judaism is of JSU since her freshman year Services. However, today's a civilization unless we toler- dents on campus and this is a culture as well as a religion," and believes that JSU needs to ISU is a far different story. ate [each other]." strange considering Baltimore said Siegel. focus more on the social There are roughly 50 stu- "Carroll County is becom- is a "vibrant, Jewish commu- Siegel's first duty was to aspect. dents who identify themselves ing more of a center for Jewish nity. publicize JSU and recruit "It needs to figure out how as Jewish at McDaniel, accord- people:' added Oppel, who lSU's main struggle has members, which, "was diffi- to make events more social ing to JSU's adviser, Gail believes that the high cost of been attracting and retaining cult as there are few Jewish and more welcoming to all Shaivitz Oppel, director of gift living in Baltimore has attract- committed, responsible lead- students on campus willing to students, not just Jewish stu- planning. Oppel says that out ed Jewish people to Carroll ership. get involved," she said. dents," said Azoulay. "It also of the total undergraduate County. "Good leadership has Siegel graduates this month needs to learn who to promote population of about 1600, There are two local syna- always been the problem," and the duties of the JSU pres- its events better." Jewish students account for a gogues. In Westminster there Oppel said. "I will support ident have been passed to Azoulay wants JSU to small percentage. Since is Beth Shalom on Liberty anything they do but they sophomore Zach Lubell, who spend more time building a incoming students aren't Street, and in Reisterstown have to come up with the volunteered to fill the position social community rather than required to specify their reli- there is ADAT Chaim, "an leadership." at "the point in JSU history just discussing serious issues. gious affiliation on their appli- egalitarian Conservative con- Siegel, the former president [when it was} on the verge of Lubell has said that next year cation, it's impossible to com- gregation serving Baltimore of lSU, officially reinstalled collapse." Although Siegel the JSU plans to hold monthly pile a complete list of Jewish County and Carroll County," the organization in her sopho- doesn't believe that Lubell Shabbat meals open to the col- students on campus. Bryant according to its Web site. more year by filling out the "saved" the JSU, she admits lege community and have suggests that the declining In addition to the county as necessary paper work. When that she "never 'gave up on it' . social exchanges with other number of students involved a whole, Bryant has witnessed she arrived on campus in but [her] time as president colleges that have established with JSU is due to Jewish stu- a change in the Jewish com- 2003, the JSU did not exist was complete and [she] real- Jewish groups. dents' lack of a means to "self munity on campus. anymore due to having gone ized it." The JSU maintains a posi- identify," unlike most racial "I have noticed that on our bankrupt. However, she revi- "My goal is by the time I tive attitude about the future and ethnic groups on campus. faculty and staff side, there talized the organization in the graduate [to] set up a very and hopes to plan more events Admissions officials insist seem to be more people affili- fall of 2004. strong foundation of the and activities to create a they put time and energy into ated with the Jewish faith who "When Ibegan it consisted Jewish community on cam- greater awareness of Judaism trying to add to all of the have expressed support to of me and about three other pus," Lubell said. while also exploring impor- minorities on campus. help Jewish students on cam- people," Siegel said, adding He describes the process as tant topics. "McDaniel College is pus," Bryant said. that she often had to guilt "slow but steady [and the "I feel really good that for always seeking ways to Dr. Rebecca Carpenter, some of her friends into organization] is growing in the first time they have the improve ... and one of these associate professor of English attending some of the club's numbers of actual Jewish pee- leadership that will provide pte who want to be involved." ways is to more accurately and former adviser of JSU, events. His long-term goal is to offi- 22portun;· ~ .... a__ dents and others to mix and reflect the world around us," says that there are a higher She wanted to create a place said Gina King Rende, direc- percentage of Jewish faculty at where Jewish people could cially become a Hillel (founda- mingle," said Oppel. "They're going to do great things for life) tion for Jewish campus tor of Admissions. "Therefore, this college than in the nation congregate and not feel so chapter. Working toward his Jewish students and the cam- having a study body which as a whole and that she's alienated. She also "wanted to represents different cultures, noticed "pretty widespread teach others about diversity," goal, Lubell has secured a pus." races and religions is a top pri- good will toward the Jewish Siegel said. She is proud of her Jewish affinity house that he ority." students." role in the JSU and the amount hopes will be a permanent res- Oppel, who was asked by Carpenter was highly influ- of time she ,spent publicizing idence on campus. Free on-line banking Free checking with interest and no minimum balance Free checks included with direct deposit ', Visa" ATMIDebit Cards · Creat rates on auto loans and Visa" credit cards · Access to surcharge-free ATMs at all Maryland 7-ElevenStores · Access to surcharge-free ATMs in the Al lpo int Network, . includingGiant,Target, ExxonMobil, CVS, and Rite-Aid. 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