Page 167 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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FEATURES MAY 4, 2007 - Page 5 One student's mistake, another's deliberation ings," says Harlow. interviewed and Dean Gerl over and over again has front of the board. They took a KATHRYN YOUNG Ham, a regular to the hear- took on the interviewing from allowed them to ask such chance by trying to get away FEATURES EDITOR Ings, says that to his knowl- there. With Miller and Ham good questions," she said. with plagiarism or initiating a • "I have neither given nor edge there are only two stu- already in the position, Towle added that the students physical fight, but they often received unauthorized aid on dents other than him, who are Inverse says that the eight ask all the questions that she end up caught, put in front of this piece of work, nor have I members of the board. With members added "were really would ask. the board, and being held knowingly tolerated any vio- the amount of seniors who great" as well. All of the students on the accountable for their actions lation of the Honor Code," has graduated last year and others Ham and Miller were both board were chosen because of by their peers and administra- been drilled into the heads of studying abroad, Ham says selected at the same time in their interviews. Inverso says tors." McDaniel students since their that other than Miller and 2006 and serve on both the that you can write a great All students on the Honor first year. But if all students another student, who recently Honor Board with Gerl and statement, but the students and Conduct Board have the were to understand how that completed all the stages of the the Conduct Board with the board chooses can't be same lack of tolerance and brief phrase affects their peers student officer process, "The Towle. "awkward." After all, "You intimidation for violations on the Honor and Conduct other members who were "We had to go through the can only imagine how nause- against the Honor Code as Board, would honor viola- recently inducted into the handbook and an open dis- ated the student accused has Schultz does; it is evident to tiona still be a temptation for board a little over a month ago cussion with Liz and [former to feel and you have to be able those accused. In a brief inter- students? must observe one hearing Dean of Student Affairs [Sayre to hold yourself well." view with an accused junior, With a rise in cases that before they begin officially." to understand what the rights Inverso says, "You don't whose name will remain come before the Honor and However, Dean Towle says are and appeals ... we then sat realize how important the anonymous, the student said, Conduct Board, the students that to her knowledge there through a hearing to see Honor Code is until you see "I felt like the students were as well as the faculty members are four or five students who what's going on," says Miller. how the board hearings take a tougher than the professors." who are members of the board are now eligible to serve on Administrative Assistant toll on the student being "Being a part of the board is have become familiar faces to the board. "If a new board Judith Hart, who schedules brought in and on the profes- an honor that should not be both Dean of Student Affairs member has not attended the hearings based on the sors and other students taken lightly," acknowledges Beth Gerl and Associate Dean their first hearing it would be accused student's faculty involved ... .I mean they are Schultz. "When I sit across the of Student Affairs Elizabeth because the time of the previ- members' and board mem- facing an 'F' or sometimes sus- table from the person respon- Towle. ously scheduled hearings did bers' schedules, says that pension." sible for the action, I know In the period of fall 2004 to not fit in their schedule," adds some years it's easier to have a Dean Gerl says that the that it comes down to judging spring 2007 there was a total Towle. variety of students on the whole process of the hearing the action taken place and not of 36 honor hearings and 21 When asked about students board at the hearings. is one of learning. The stu- the person ... We do not curso- conduct hearings. Except for being abroad during their "Some are free in the mom- dents on the board often ask, rily review the documentation the spring of 2006 when there time on the board, Towle says ing and some only in the after- "Why did this happen and presented; we take time delib- were three honor hearings and that the "funny thing" about noon ...but they all want to do what caused you to act this erating if the person is respon- seven conduct, honor hear- being abroad is that it gives it," says Hart. Because of their way?" Gerl adds, "This is sible or not for the action." ings, from 2004 to 2007, out- the student a much broader dedication, Hart says that stu- counseling not just you get an Other student board mem- numbered conduct hearings. understanding of a lot of situ- dents and faculty never ques- 'F' in the course." bers agree. "It makes me feel Associate Professor of ettons. She adds, "It comes' tion as to why they have to For example, Gerl recalled a better to know that someone is Sociology Dr. Roxanna down to who is best quaIi- attend a hearing again. time when the students of the checking up on the violations Harlow, who has been at fled." Sophomore Amanda Becker, board asked the accused stu- and accusations made of cer- McDaniel for seven years and However, because of what who was accepted on the dent to make a presentation tain students. And it makes currently serves on the Honor Student Government board the fall of her freshman for the incoming class about me feel better knowing how and Conduct Board, says that Assembly's President Ellen year, said she hasn't pcrtici- what the honor code is really fair we are," says Miller. thi.:y_ ~ Inveno c:alla "the dearth of pated in any of the ~ .. bout. "More than anything Ger! J"ea1.izIlL's that the lot more honor hearings than students, ~ lnverso this se-mester that Miller and the student board members process 01 h_rtnp hI;n" -lee'- usual. recruited to sit in on a honor Ham are repeatedly attending. wanted the student to learn, good, ~ but at the same time Harlow, who was among hearing because of the expert- Becker did participated in not just to be punished," said she knows that she and the the faculty voted to be on the ence she has earned on the three in fall 2006. Gerl board members have a job to board for a three-year term, Appeals Board since 2006. When asked as to why she Although Inverse has to educate. "Through this diffi- cult process, I have been very isn't the only board member Inverso says, "This year was a didn't participate in any this look away when facing her impressed by the students on to feel like they receive an e- little different in SGA's selec- semester, Becker says, peers at hearings, junior the board; they all handle the mail "for some conduct thing tion and the interview "Sometimes I think it's Jonathan Schultz, on the situation very well and with a at least once a month, some- process ... it was in reverse because they were not able to Honor and Conduct Board times twice," as Harlow puts order as a result the serious get enough people together to since 2005, says from a his lot of dignity." it. need for new members and a have a real board. But as a point of view, "I do not feel The repetition of some stu- serious lack of time to get rule, they don't tell me why." sympathy for the person in dent members at board hear- folks set up." AI; the same time, Towle ings has also become evident. Along with lnverso, Towle insists there is no difficulty STORE YOUR "There's only us," laughs says that a lot of things finding students to serve. "I sophomore Greg Miller, who, changed because the selection think they just feel that strong- along with senior Maxjulian process, which lasts two days, ly about upholding, and they Ham, regularly sits on the happened later because of [the student board members] Honor and Conduct Board. Gerl being new to the whole are such great board members "Yeah, come to think of it I process. Typically, the applica- that we're not concerned with STUFF WITH do see a lot of them. Greg has tion is sent out in November using them over and over." been a constant, it seems, all but this year it was sent out in Likewise, if the students are year, but Max I've seen a lot January. more experienced, Towle says only this semester and not just SGA named eight potential they have a great frame of ref- for the first one or two hear- members they wanted to have erence. "Being in the hearings EZ No texting while driving? and STORAGE Mutual Insurance, approxi- while driving. These states BRIAN ENGLER mately 20% of drivers include Washington, New STAFF WRITER between ages 18 and 60 text Jersey, Arizona, Maryland lawmakers have message while driving. . Connecticut. Those behind the recently been considering According to the survey, the proposed law in the Maryland since you can't store it here passing a new law that bans number almost doubles legislature were in favor of a drivers from text messaging among drivers age 18-27, broader cell-phone ban. while driving. Several dele- reaching a percentage of 37. . According to a recent arti- over the summer, anymore. gates to the state legislature However, only 17% of drivers de that ran in the Baltimore attempted to pass this bil11ast between 28 and 44 admitted to Sun, Maryland state police month, but it was shot down the practice, while a paltry 2% haven't had any reports that by the General Assembly. of the 45-60 age group text held text messaging to be the This law was proposed to while driving. cause of accidents. Located on Route 140 just attempt to help limit accidents Several other states where As of the writing of this arti- and fatalities caused by dnv- text messaging has been de, no further progress has past the MVA across from Elf' ers who become distracted found to be a cause of acci- been made on the bill. from the road. According to a dents have been considering Phone: 410.857.8080 recent survey by Nationwide passing laws banning texting
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