Page 19 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 19
FEATURES SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 -Page 3 Crazy Sticky Note If CRIBB. ~O~l::~:: followed. So far, the tallied bed, including Miguel Tejada JILL STONE score is 15 to 11, with Bolek in in the center, who overlooks NEWS EDITOR the lead. Eeyore resting in the corner. Located 011 Her dresser is illuminated by "When your aspara- Pennsylvania Avenue, this tall red, green, and yellow lamps gus is lean, blame the cheez white building houses nine clustered together next to her " whiz." students all together, with television with the movie Thi5hollseonP"nn.yl\'aninA"enlleh~sJcreativeStickynoteCQn,petition in progress, Confused? This is just three double rooms upstairs, Serendipity resting on the top. and. colorful lamps and posters. One sticky note helpfully says: "Dear tall people, watch one of the wacky sentences along with one double and Around the corner yourheadILove,thewall."' that has been written on a col- one single room downstairs. and down the stairs, past the orful sticky note and plastered Entering into the cre- colorful array of sticky notes on a random door. Two differ- ator's room, Wilson and Bolek frames a large piece of paper ent sticky notes are then are greeted by Bolek's fish, reading, "Dear tall people, judged by other students in Penelope, and her stuffed dog, watch your head! Love, the the house, and the votes are Patrick. wall." This has prevented tallied up at the end of the "She has a thing with many headaches. semester. P'S," said Wilson, sitting Overall, this house Who are the origina- under a Beatles poster of the reveals a legitimate attempt to tors of this random entertain- fab four leaning over a bal- make the best of the long ment? In an attempt to bond cony and pointing, as if they hours of homework to come. with her other housemates, were looking right at her. But the most important thing Erin Wilson invented the Wilson, however, is to remember from this house sticky note competition, and protected by a grouping of is that "the rebel llamas love her roommate, Molly Bolek three Orioles players over her Yanni and you." McManners says ... Be Polite to Professors McDaniel Faculty/Staff Pet staff as to what their "pet SHELLY HORN peeves" were with regard to Peeves (summary): STAFF WRITERS students and/or classes. She received an overwhelming Communication Pet Peeves: Miss Manners, Judith response. Some comments "When people leave a phone message and say, "Hi, Martin, has made a living for were predictable; some aston- it's me." many years as an author and tshing, while others were just "Unsigned e-mailaas if we know everyone by their e- columnist who answers ques- downright hilarious __ mail addresses'." tions and gives advice regard- McNichols compiled Mclvlanners says: Sign your e-mails with your full ing proper etiquette and man- the list, with names removed ners in American society. to maintain anonymity, and Voicemail-lf you leave a voicemail message, enunci- When searching the removed those comments that ate your name and leave your phone number slowly or repeat archives of Miss Manners she believed did not apply to it. columns, however, one finds the classroom setting. She Common courtesy! Politeness: that there are seemingly no then distributed the list to her "Did 1 wake you?" (student to professor) columns dedicated to proper freshman seminar class. The Mclvlanners says: Never calJ a professor at home unless specifically directed to do so. behavior and/or etiquette in list included repetitions so "Did I wake you?" (professor to student) class or on a college campus. that students could see the fre- McManners says: Never fall asleep in class. Where Miss Manners quency with which a com- Pet Peeve: "Yawning audibly." leaves a void, McDaniel ment was made. McManners says: If you yawn and stretch with arms above your head, prepare to be Spanish professor Dr. Amy "In my course we talk called on. McNichols fills in with her a Jot about cultural differ- Pet Peeve: "Students who come into my office for help, their cell phone rings, and the "Faculty Pet Peeves" list. ences, power structures and student tries to carryon two conversations between me and the person on the other line." Over the summer, tolerance issues, so a dialogue McManners suggests: McNichols conducted some about what is polite, differ- Turn cell phone ringers off during class and for appointments with professors. groundbreaking research to ences in what people view as Do not answer ceJ1phones during class or appointments with professors. assist her with teaching her impolite behavior, and who Do not read or write text messages on your cell phone during class fall freshman seminar class, decides what that means fits Pet Peeves: Latino Culture in the United in very well," explains "Walking out in the middle of class." States. Though the class will McNichols. "Coming in and out of the classroom during class." focus on a number of different Though the list was "Habitual lateness." cultural issues, McNichols met with mixed reactions, the McManners Suggests: Try to arrive to class on time. If you must enter the classroom late, please had concerns about communi- overall goal of communication enter and sit by the door. cation issues that had arisen was fully achieved. Most class Insult to Injury: with many other first-year members agreed on what was "Did I miss anything important?" (student to professor) seminar advisors, and thought "universally" rude but some "1 feel like responding, 'no, I just stood up there and babbled for 90 minutes." that conveying this informa- behaviors fell into what they McManners says: Never, Never, Never miss a class then ask the professor, "Did I miss tion would be a great way to labeled "debatable or becom- anything important?" Of course you did. begin class and open lines of ing outdated." With this, the Dress Code Pet Peeve: communication. class made two lists: "Do Not "Wearing ball caps in class." "I was struck over the Do This" and "It's Debatable." "Pajamas - Pajamas are not appropriate attire for class at any time of day and especial- summer about the concerns The following list is ly not for class presentations." many first-year seminar edvi- . not the list compiled by McManners says: If dressing is too much of a chore before an early morning class, sleep sors had communicating with McNichols' Freshman in your clothes! their students: emails not Seminar class, but rather one Tongue-jewelry - "My pet peeve is students who give presentations without removing addressed or Signed, the tone compiled by this reporter in their slur-inducing tongue jewelry." reflecting that of a casual the essence of space. Most spe- McManners suggests removing the jewelry BEFORE class as there is seemingly no email to a friend, calls late at cific comments fell into the polite way to remove it in public. • night to professors, etc." com- following broader categories: Personal Hygiene Pet Peeves: men ted McNichols. "1 communication, common "Not showering before an early class so that the entire classroom smells like either a thought it might be nice to courtesy/politeness, dress locker room or brewery ... or both." address these things from the code, personal hygiene, out of class." .... yes, body odor is like a bad joke and should not be tolerated. Shower or stay get-go." downright hilarious/ disgust- McNichols decided to ing, and what this reporter Be cJean~ot showering? Ok, McManners thinks it's embarrassing that this one even shows up. poll McDaniel faculty and refers to as "insult to injury."
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