Page 15 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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SPORTS SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 - Page 11 Flynn Comes to the Hill With New Enthusiasm winning a championship ei- He had a 103·76 record, in- McDaniel is a lot court, score on transitions, and RYAN CHELL ther. eluding a 27 win season, and smaller in player size than shoot the basketball well. He STAFF WRITER "Thisis the type of at- two championship appear- some of the other teams in the made the point that the team It was Cardinal Gibbons titude McDanielCollege was ances at Gibbons. He also conference. But,thatdoesnot needs everyone on the same High School in 1974. Coach looking for when they hired turned the JV and freshman mean anything to Coach page and that they need the Ray Mullins, the wtnnlngest Flynn, who lives in the teams around at Cardinal Flynn. That was in the past fans' support as well. He also coach in Catholic League his- Westminster area, to be the Gibbons, as those two teams He hates to think of this as a noted that he was very proud tory, coached his Crusader coach of the men's Green Ter- won championships. "rebuilding year." of the women's basketball pro- team to a win in the champion- ror basketball team. Flynn Flynn's recent successes Flynn knows that gram. ship game. During that season, was just as excited as the col- not only attracted McDaniel's McDaniel has the talent to be There have been some Bob Flynn, a junior center who lege was about becoming attention, but some national a great basketball team. He special moments that Flynn re- was a reserve for most of the McDaniel's coach. He saw attention, as he was chosen to guaranteed an exciting sea- members over the past few season, could not have been McDaniel as "the right op- coach the East All-Americans son if his players are "willing years. When he coached the happier. Flynn knew that he portunity" and a "perfect fit." in the 2004 McDonald's AU- to bring it" and work hard. McDonald's All-American was part of something special, Flynn will be replacing American Game. The team Flynn's principal this Game in Oklahoma, he got to and he had nothing but respect Coach Jay Dull, who com- boasted five NBA first round season for his team is "focus" visit the site of the Oklahoma for his legendary coach. piled a 5-20 record last sea- picks, incJudinglastyear's#l and "believe". City Bombing and the Ronald It was from that point in pick, Orlando Magic Dwight "T want my players McDonald house there with his Bob Flynn's life that he knew McDaniel is hoping that Howard. thinking they can win every players, an emotional moment what he wanted to do. He Flynn's recent successes at St. Flynn does realize how- game," Flynn said. He guar- for everyone. Throughout the wanted to be a basketball Mary's College and his alma ever, that he will not be anteed that his players would years and even with his recent coach, just like Ray Mullins. He mater, Cardinal Gibbons coaching All-Starsand future have this attitude when they successes, Flynn still remem- wanted to have the same influ- High School, will continue. NBA players, he is coaching play their season opener bers his legendary coach, Ray ence on Ius players that Mullins He coached St. Mary's Col- a Division ill, 5-20 team. He against Frostburg. Mullis. In 2001, Cardinal Gib- had on him. lege from 1994 to 1998 and knows that McDaniel was in Plynn also wants his bons renamed their arena after "It's all about them [the was basketball coach and ath- the cellar of the Centennial team to be fired up and ag- the coach who died in 1994; we players]," Flynn said. letic director at Cardinal Gib- Conference, a very tough di- gresslve this season. He all know that day, Coach Flynn Every coach doesn't mind bons from 1999 to last year. vision. wants to push the ball up the had been a fan. Women's Soccer Starts Season With a 1-1 Bang MEREDITH ADAMS son," said senior and captain fense, many scoring threats we try to do a lot of things to- them," said Healy. "This year STAFF WRITER Tara Healy. on offense, and strong tech- gether," remarked Tara we need to capitalize on our op- With a 2-0 win against Kim Lowry, Becky nical players in the middle. .Healy. "We try to eat all of our portunities to score." Frostburg and a 3-0 loss against Ward and Nikki Vartousos This combination of talents, dinners together at Glar and The girls are expecting York to start off the season, the are also captains. skills, and strengths should do a lot of things as a team good competition from teams women's soccer team is confi- The second goal of the keep the girls competitive in such as going to movies and like Gettysburg, Muhlenburg, dent they will be successful. first game was scored by every game. out to dinner the nights be- Hopkins and most of the other Since both of the teams they sophomore Sarah Wallace. Goalie Michelle Mullen fore games" We also spend a conference teams. played were good competition, "We are looking for- is expected to stand out this lot of time together in the so- "It's important that we do the girls feel that they have a lot ward to coming together as a year along with offensive cial setting as well." well against other conference of strengths with room to grow. team and finding each other threats Tara Healy and Sarah One thing that the girls teams because how well we do Christina Theoharrts on the field," explained jun- Wallace. . would like to see change this determines where we stand in scored a goal within the first ior defensive player Meagan The girls feel that their season is the amount of shots the end," stated junior goalie thirty seconds of the game Mattson. "We have the indi- strong team unity will also they take. Michelle Mullen. "And of against Frostburg. vidual talent to have a suc- help them to get far this sea- "Last year we had so course, just like any other year, "A quick goal like that is cessful season." many opportunities to shoot we want to be conference a good way to start off the sea- The girls have a fast de- "In order to stay close and score but we didn't take champs this year." .. Where is the Love? Football Season Preview KELSEYLINDHOLM lackluster in the first half of the Bridgewater winning team. Instead of game, they returned to normal form, and had a MIKE HABEGGER staying positive, their act of STAFF WRITER great second half, which is how Keating expects SPORTS EDITOR selfishness precipitates nega- Coming off last years decent season (6- them to play this season. There are no glaeing Does anyone care about tivity in both locker rooms. 4 overall, 4-2 CC), Tim Keating, McDaniel's holes in the defense, all the positions are ex- sportsmanship anymore? As I've always thought head football coach, made it known that pected to be in solid form. The only issue that the collective football world that football culture is ridicu- there were improvements to be made, but seemed a concern was a lack of depth at many saw one of its finest class in lous. It's time that fans and had a positive outlook on this seasons club. positions on defense. Jerry Rice acts succumb to the parents started holding their Last year, team star Broderick There are no freshman starting at any po- realities of old age and call it vicarious athletes account- Maybank tore it up, rushing for 1,200 yards, sitions this year, however, many are contribut- quits, .the faithful in able. Why are student-ath- and the coach hopes he can ~.::·=,-,t:.:ha::.:t_-"",,-. _:.K",ic",k",er"s.::. Deiter and Jay Leonard are Bridgewater saw its beloved letes exempt from the code success. both showing great talent, walk off the field in classless of representing their schools However McDaniel and were used during kick- disrespect. According to play- in the best possible way? has historically been a pass- offs during the Bridgewater ers on the Bridgewater team, Yeah it sucks, but come on, lng team. Keating wants to game. Special teams aren't the coach told them to "shake it's just football. see that image revamped. where Keating wants them to three hands" and get the"heU Jerry Rice, after his re- Junior Quarterback be at this point, but they are out of there. But where are they tirement, said, "I played the Brad Baer showed his pass- on their way to LB and WR to go? They lost in their own game with a lot of determi- ing talent last Saturday at respectively" Punter Corey stadium in embarrassing fash- nation, a lot of poise, a lot of Bridgewater, but was injured Allen consistently played ion, 36-35 on 3 interceptions pride and I think what you partway through the game. well last season, and should and 3 missed field goals. And saw out there ...was an indi- Tom Wenrich will be taking continue to put the ball right will the loyal fans of the college vidual who really just loved the snaps in Beer's absence. where coach wants him too hold them accountable for their the game." The "love" and Wenrich, who has been this year. neglect? Probably not. They "pride" he speaks about is around for three seasons, is familiar with the When asked, Keating felt the football team don't give a hoot, in fact, they what all football people team, and should be a large contributor to "does not get the respect we deserve" and probably are glad they went should be encouraging. Not the offense. McDaniel wants to re-establish thinks "the team is the best in the conference." into the locker room and blatant disregard. . themselves as a passing team, while at the He was upset. that McDaniel was placed 4th in pouted. Thank goodness the same time punish with a three-headed run- the preseason conference rankings after finish- Let's take a closer look at NFL season is starting so I ning attack, led by Meybank and followed ing first or tied for first seven outofthe last eight the impact of such a disrespect. can listen to Terrell Owens by yOWlgstandouts Justin Brockmeyer, and seasons. Barring any major injuries, Mcfraniel This was an exciting game! yap about what it means to Joe Taylor. seems to be well on their way to another sue- Maybe one of the best that be a professional. At least The defense has been the backbone of cessful season. With their power running, you'll ever witness as a fan or with "professionalism" as this team for many years. According to threatening defense, and a poised lethal pass- player. And then the losing the arbiter, we can't excuse Keating, "defense is the strength of the team." tng attack, McDaniel will be a force to be reck- team goes and ruins it for the him for pouting. Although McDaniel's defense seemed very oned with this season.
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