Page 14 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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COMMENTARY SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 - Page 10 Victims of Hurricane Katrina Require Your Help seemed to be centered not empathize with those in feed a family of four for a day. Ihave set up boxes out- CHANAN DELlVUK around just that-school. New Orleans and cities along As the President of the side of the Post Office here on ART DIRECTOR Homework, organizational the Gulf Coast. Happy Helpers affinity here campus, and in the writing cen- 1know many of you prob- meetings, classes-all of This weekend while I on campus, I ask that you ter and computer lab in Hoover. ably have seen, heard, or read these things occupied my was home, I managed to take advantage of the free ac- With the help of WEAL-TV 11 something about the destruc- time. Inever really had time watch CNN, FOX, and other cess to computers and print- News, these cards will be sent tion and devastation to the Gulf to watch TV, and even when news shows that opened not ers here on campus. Iam not to someone in need of a little en- Coast caused by the Hurricane I did catch a glimpse, the only my eyes, but my heart. asking for more than 5 min- couragement. Katrina. Some of you may have news didn't seem to be what Even MTV, VHI, and CMT utes of your time. Please con- For more ways to help donated spare change to the Iwas watching. were offering specials on the sider making a card, you can those in need, from donating D.I.Y.A.S organization here on And what is so ironic hurricane aftermath. You will use a computer, or markers clothes, books, school supplies, campus or found other ways to about all of this is the fact that see familiar shows like Diary and plain paper-whatever food, water, help for the dis- help. Hurricane Katrina, the Ide- on MTV and relief concerts, that is not the important abled, help for the animals and But, how many of you ac- struction and its aftermath, all in hopes of appealing to part-just what you can to let pets, please visit tually thought about the reality has made history. Yes, it is the younger generation. an evacuee and survivor of,, or of this challenge? said that this is the worst While watching all of this natural disaster that they The Red Cross, Salva- Ihave to be honest--ever natural disaster to ever hit the this footage, Ifelt an uncanny are in your thoughts, if you tion Army, ASPCA, Habitat for since I have been here at school, United States. This is our tsu- want to help those in need. I pray that they are in your Humanity, and many more or- . my priorities, or what I consid- nami and it seems that as we didn't really know how I prayers, and that hope is with ganizations are requesting our ered to be priority in my life, are here in Maryland we can- would orwhatI could do, but them. help. And, together, we can do every show provided ways When these people it. There iscurrently another Conservation Needed that even those without were evacuated, they left be- hurricane in the making. Let's hind their lives. Their homes money can help. I emptied my dressers submerged in feet of water, not let the aftermath of Katrina. occur once again. belongings aU ruined. How for Lower Gas Prices and closets and donated two many people have been sepa- I would like to ask all of bins and large bag of clothes to the AAC Food Bank, who rated from their families, how you to make a fist, right now, informed me that nine fam- many who lost a pet, how as I leave you with this thought: astation along the Gulf Coast, DAVID GREISMAN a major contributor to the do- ily evacuees were coming many who are still distraught All of you here have a fist that SfAFF WRITER sometime this week, and girl from the aftermath? is about as big, possibly even mestic production and distri- The nation was undergo- bution of oil and gasoline, the clothing would surely help. They say that it will bigger, than mine. Well, accord- ing to human anatomy, if your There are many more ing an energy crisis. cost of a gallon of gas has ways, 1soon learned, that you take over one month to drain fist is bigger than mine, so is all of the water, which is bac- Unrest in the Middle East, risen harshly. where the Iranian Revolution As September com- can help. I know many of us teria and E-coli infected, out you heart. Just think about that-and all of the inionnation of Louisiana. They say it will had deposed the Shah and re- menced, gas prices in have cell phones and enjoy take months to rebuild the T just provided. placed him with Ayatollah Westminster hit $3.50 and our text messaging. You can Questions, concerns, Khomeini, meant decreased oil threatened to reach and sur- text the word HELP to 24357 city-but how long to rebuild production; as a result, Ameri- pass the four-dollar mark. and $5 will go to the Red the family's lives? Let some- ideas? Contact me at Ext. 8010, at e-mail me or can gas prices rocketed. The cost of filling one's tank Cross. If you get $50 to- one know they are not forgot- gether-ask suite mates, floor Fearing an oil shortage, was nearly double that of ten and that as Americans we people lined in their gas-guz- twelve months ago, and con- mates, staff, etc.-you can can get through this. Thank you .. zling cars to fill up, but this sumers were in a veritable panic only served to send prices state of sticker shock. even higher. Meanwhile, Presi- And yet, attitudes dent Carter and other members never seem to change. No matter how much our eyes of the government were seek- bug out when we read gas WORK HARD, ing solutions. Words like "ra- tioning" and "conservation" station signs, we have be- grew into ideas to be encour- come a consumer culture far aged. more concerned with buying It was 1979, and a year Hummers and other gas-guz- MAKE MONEY, later Saddam Hussein would zling SUYs, rather than get- order the Iraqi invasion of Iran, ting serious about conserva- beginning a war that would tion. dramatically diminish both There is no easy solu- countries' fuel industries. tion on the horizon, no imme- Twenty-six years later, diate opening of strategic re- HAVE FUN. history has a habit of repeating serves that can lower prices itself. in the short-term future. The Iraq's oil production has country needs more than a been effected by a continuing temporary fix anyway. insurgency, and gas prices have If we are to get serious, been steadily rising over the sacrifices will need to be duration. made. While we may not see BILL BATEMAN'S BISTRO A former Southern gover- President Bush mimicking nor is president, and cognizant Carter by wearing a sweater of the continuing increase in in the White House and in- Now hiring: gas prices, he searches for an stalling solar panels on the answer that will ameliorate the roof and a wood stove in his • Servers situation. living quarters, our leader- Of course, there are other ship must guide us in the factors. The rapid industrial- proper direction. • Hosts ization of China has created a Unless we desire con- tremendous demand for oil, tinuing to empty our wallets • Kitchen staff and countries that used to ex- in order to fill our tanks, a port primarily to the United paradigm shift must take States now have a customer place. When the costofa gal- Experience a plus but not necessary that is larger and perhaps hun- lon of gas becomes more than grier. the price of a meal at Apply within, Monday - Friday, 2 p.m - 4 p.m. And then there is Hurri- McDonald's, perhaps it is cane Katrina. time to earnestly consider or online at Thanks to the sheer dev- conservation. OVERSTOCK OUTLET SAYS: "FURNISH YOUR APARTMENT FOR LESS THAN YOU PAY FOR YOUR BOOKS." EVERYTHING UNDER $99: D£SKS, CHAIRS, ARMOIRES, TV'S AND MORE. DELIVERY 101 Chartley Drive I Reisterstown, MD11136 I PHONE410.516.6100 I E·MAll:Bistroevents@comca~.comlattn: Rob AVAIlABLE. I 0% DISCOUNTFOR STUDENTS. 2Bl 1 SISSION STREIT, BALl1MORE 41 0.235.2000 REAL TIME INVENTORY ON OUR WEBSITE W'I'i1'/
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