Page 21 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 21
FEATURES SEITEMBER 30,2005- Page 5 For More, For Some, For Less: Cowboy Boots CHANAN DELrYUK For Some: Kaya ent types of outfits that you TAYLOR HEBDEN Wyatt. If you want a good can pair your new cowboy STAff WRITERS boot that you don't have to boots with, but there is some It's all about the cow- spend your entire paycheck apparel that you should boy boots this fall. Let's face it, on, get your hands on these. always stay away from, this Uggs are ugly and totally out These boots will fun you includes: of fashion. Don't. get booted $79.99 at Journey's. -Plere jeans. Flares aside in the tread line, get the For Less: Wall Mart will just look stupid. Pick up a look that keeps on stepping. Universe. This will blow your nice boot cut jean. For More: Steve m.ind, but these hoots only -Khaki pants. Khaki'S Madden Lonestar. These cost $7.51. They may not be just aren't hot enough. stay far babies will run you $163.95 at made from real leather but far away from them. your nearest department they look just as authentic as -Shorts. This is pretty store, but they are well worth the real ones and have just as self explanatory. No one wears it. These boots are made from much style. If you don't have shorts in the fall. genuine leather and will last the cash, these boots should -Tee-Shirts. Keep it you many fall seasons to do just fine. classy. Pick up a nice sweater come. There are many differ- or a hot tank top. McDevitt Brings Zeal for Tea (continued from page 1) for the student's educational bridges linoleum and carpet, apparent "[It's like] wow, we're encountered in test- well-being, coupled with a being apparent outside of the standing studying a pigeon to learn ing. passion for the field. . lab as well. Classtime pro- McDevitt herself val- more about ourselves," said "They had a much "[I] try to figure out vides animated discussion, ues discussion as well as gen~ Pyles. Two worlds, two signs, greater appreciation for their why they should care and and students find themselves eral student Interaction, call- one common purpose, and pigeons [by the end of it]," she [then] try to get them to care," absorbed. ing it one of her favorite one teacher in the middle. The said. This focus on the stu- she said, adding, "If they "1 enjoy coming to aspects of class. joining of those two· signs, dents' understanding clearly could just see how incredible class," said Dinah Pyles, a sen- "Having those per- white and yellow, small and defines McDevitt's teaching what they're studying is." tor Psychology-Sociology dual sonal relationships adds a lot loud, produce an even more She style-one that lends concern Her zeal for psychology major. "I definitely feel like. to your day," she said. from imposing message, no con- enjoys the enthusiasm trasting black type required: I'm learning." Pyles described CAMPUS JOB: CLEANING McDevitt as a "down-to- her students in class and labs, mission accomplished. PIGEON CAGES earth" professor who makes but McDevitt does not expect that much. everything seem uncomplicat- ed. "Sometimes I'm sur- EMILY BIONDO "She's not like, 'I have prised how engaged they are," STAFFWRlTER a PhD I'm above you she said. With this student guys ... She definitely makes solidarity, then, McDevitt's The term lab assistant brings to mind beakers and gog- gles; it evokes test tubes and tweezers. Maybe a white coat, things more simple than what purpose of dual learning maybe some gloves, who knows? Maybe even some intense they may be," she said. Pyles between pigeon and pupil is could even recall her first day In fact, no impossible task. experiments. And yes, perhaps that famed helper of Dr. of class, explaining the prelim- even after only a month, at Frankenstein, the hunched Igor. inary discussion of "Do we least one student seems to get Anything. Anything but pigeon poop. really have free will?" with it. . Hired on the spot after a brief interview at the semes- ter's start, freshman Katie John started her job as lab assistant for Dr. Maggie McDevitt's pigeons, cleaning cages every other WORK HARD, day, feeding, and watering the birds. "T didn't know it was about pigeons," said freshman Katie John, upon learning her primary job description. "I was a little surprised." Now that classes have started and the initial shock worn off, John tends seven cages regularly, as well as cleans the floor. The price for this service? MAKE MONEY, Ten dollars an hour. "1 thought it was amazing," said John, "1 was expecting minimum wage." Money, however, isn't everything, and spending so much time with ten pigeons gives way to more personal relationships. "T think they recognize me now, said John. Some birds have already been named affectionately by students, ranging HAVE FUN. from Mary to Duncan to Squishy. John favors Mary, while hav- ing less than warm feelings for a-not surprisingly-unnamed pigeon, number 143. "He pecks me whenever I get near the cage," said John. All in all, however, nothing traumatic has occurred, and John is pleased with her part-time profes~ion. BILL BATEMAN'S BISTRO "My friends keep asking If they poop on me, but they haven't. They're pretty good," she said. Now hiring: • Servers • Hosts • ~itchen staff Experience a plus but not necessary Apply within, Monday - Friday,1 pm -4 prn or online at Senior M~tt 'iates hdndl~ pigeons thai a... used in Dr. Maggie McDevitt's class. 101 Chartley Drive I Reisterstown, MD111361 PHONE410.516.6100 I E·MAll: Bistroev.nts@comcast.comlattn: Rob
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