Page 18 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 18
SEPTEMBER 30,.2005· Page 2 NEWS K.A.R.E To Help Support Katrina Victims (Continued from Page Scott's first year semi- shirts. by all Greek organizations ticket sales going to the 1) nar class has made 'l-shirts "[Many first year stu- did, in Assistant Director of Katrina Relief Fund. named McDaniel that will be sold for a mini- dents] saw this as a way for College Activities Amanda "It was a nice way to KARE (for Katrina Area Relief mum $10 donation, though, them to create their own col- Rose's mind, much to counter have students exposed to a Effort) was formed to pool all according to her, "a much lective identity," said Scott. many of the negative Creek new and different culture and the funds raised and then larger donation will be accept- Another effort that labels that have been some- to contribute to relief efforts," eventually contribute all that ed and hoped for." occurred was a car wash on times perpetuated at said Johnson-Ross. is raised towards a single The shirts, which are September 18 that was spon- McDaniel recently. Also, the DIVAs charity. purple and feature a design sored by the Sigma Phi "This shows a lot that Affinity House raised roughly The committee coo- with a heart within the Epsilon and the McDaniel all the Greek organizations $500 Louisiana Disaster sists of Associate Dean for McDaniel Arch will be sold in Greek Community, which can work together for a good Recovery Foundation through First Year Students Jean Shin, Kriel lounge throughout raised over $1200 dollars. cause to raise lots of money;" a coin drive that was held in Associate Dean ,of Academic October and at various cam- The event was organ- said Rose. "It shows the posi- front of Engler Dining Hall Affairs Sherri Hughes, pus activities and athletic ized of junior Chris DeRose, a tive nature of Greek Life during lunch from Tuesday, Professor Tom Deveny, and events. member of Sigma Phi Epsilon instead media-fueled negative September 6 to Friday, Associate Professors Isabel "It would be nice if and members of each fraterni- stereotypes. [The car wash] is September 9. Valiela, Debora Johnson-Ross people could give an hour or ty and sorority donated their another example that there is Alpha Phi Omega and Susan Scott. half hour of their time to help time to help. ~ more to being in a.fraternity or sold Mardi Gras beads at vari- "This committee is sell shirts," said Junior Katie Also, the COllege a sorority is more than just the ous places around Decker not just about raising money," Bowen, who is the Peer promised to match whatever social aspects." College Center to raise funds said Shin. "It is about helping Mentor for Scott's seminar. was raised by the Car Wash McDaniel also wel- as well. the McDaniel community Scott noted how first and the Westminster Old comed Thula Sizwe, an cope and deal with. this year students in her seminar Navy promised to double African a capella group on tragedy and to find ways to and beyond were bonding to what was raised. September 24 to perform a pull together. help produce and sell the This combined effort concert with all proceeds from Hoping to Inspire, Peace Club Meets inster Gas Prices E!I Sept. 19 monument that carries the • Sept. 25 (Continued from Page 1) message, "May Peace Prevail Star Families for on Earth." Peace, held back tears while "I am very excited depicting what it was like to about [the peace pole] proj- lose their nephew and son, ect," said Leary, "and think it respectively. would make a great statement Five days later, Leary on this campus." and faculty adviser Dr. Tom In order to further Deveny ferried activists and their messages, the Peace Club protesters in a chartered bus also works with other campus to join the Tour members and dubs with similar purposes, thousands of others at the including Amnesty rally in D.C., an event that International and the Leary noted as "one of our Environmental Action Club. biggest projects this semester." Stated Leary: "If I can Aside from the get just one person to think protest, the Peace Club is look- and care about something GRAPHIC BY EMILY BIONDO ing into the installation on other than keg parties, then campus of a peace pole, a I've made a difference." multi-sided, multilingual Lighter Side of The Blotter Careful With Campus SalehI otter Those Firearms So much booze was con- ANDYWU Texas-sized keg that night. STAFF WRITER surned that the students did- (Editor's Note: at a n't realize glance, the blotter doesn't reveal screaming and twirling guns some of the inane reports to which out a window that is clearly officers respond. Wu's commen- visible tary highlights same of the from campus safety- is not a unique calls) good idea. Probably not gonna On Tuesday get away with stuff like that. September 13, a group of stu- They might as well set dents was documented for- babies on fire and catapult possession of facsimiles of them onto campus safety's guns in the Garden new Durango. Apartments. As Mike Webster An important lesson put it, "they were waving should be learned from this them around and screaming blotter. At McDaniel College, like idiots." guns are generally frowned After approaching the upon. rowdy band of desperados, Other than that debacle, campus safety officers real- no big news. Apparently ized the weapons were only underage college students like toys ... probably purchased at to drink ... that's about it. So the Dollar Tree in a set coo- here's a plea straight from my taining an awesome plastic heart; if you're going to drink, sheriff's badge and sweet at least do something stupid crossbow. so you can be publicly humili- Surprisingly enough, the ated in this column. stu~ents were most likely Bea team player, commu- under the influence. But these nity service isn't that bad. gunslingers must have killed a
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